Friday, November 13, 2009

Weekend Wind-Down: Thanksgiving

Happy Friday, everyone!

Welcome to the Weekend Wind-Down!  Every Friday, I know that everyone is really tired from the week and is just looking forward to being done.  I am absolutely no different.  Even though I just have more work beckoning me this weekend since there are only a couple weeks left in the semester, I am really looking forward to this Saturday and Sunday.

But I digress.  Fridays are reserved for the best blog posts and/or articles that I found on this week’s theme.  Since this week was all about Thanksgiving and the aftermath, I present to you the Weekend Wind-Down: Thanksgiving!
  • 1.    eHow – Monday, we talked all about the biggest star of Thanksgiving – the turkey.  We ran into some problems there due to the fact that turkey is already one of the cheapest proteins to buy in the super market.  However, there still are some really easy and coupon-less ways to save on them.  eHow has become one of my favorite websites recently, if you couldn’t tell by all the different links to the various articles smattered throughout this blog.  This particular article is all on ways to save on turkey!  Read up… there are some really good ideas in there.
  • 2.    Living on a Dime – Finding some of the pieces of advice this week have seemed very long winded for some reason.  This particular article is just the opposite – short and to the point.  Each different idea or discover is in bold with a short description.  This is the perfect site to go to if you’re running low on time or worried that your boss will catch you reading the Just Starting Out Blog on company hours.
  • 3.    Econobusters – Even though we’ve talked about avoiding dollar stores in the past, they do have their time and place.  This particular blog post is all about dolling up dollar store finds in order to make the perfect (and really cheap) Thanksgiving décor to supplement the colorful and savory meal on the table.
  • 4.    Fiscal Fizzle – Yesterday, we topped off our discussion about Thanksgiving by hitting up the forgotten – the aftermath.  Everyone feels the need to work out or something afterwards.  We talked about gyms and a bunch of different ways to save on those endeavors.  This blog post is all about ways to save (or in some cases, spend no money at all).
Thank you for spending your week with me!  I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and you all can find something to be thankful for – even if it is just a couple days off work.  But remember that I will not quit even during those holiday breaks!  If you come back next week, I’ll find some ideas for you to use all those leftovers that will be sitting in your fridge… without feeling like you’re eating Thanksgiving the whole time.

For those people that must work on Black Friday, I just want to give you as much sympathy as I can… in fact, I say “I’m Sorry” right now, plenty in advance.

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