Saturday, November 7, 2009

DIY Saturday: Crafts from Food

Can you remember back to pre-school or something like it, where all you had to do for any major holiday was glue some macaroni onto construction paper or string it on to some yarn?  Your parents would “oooh” and “aaah” and your project would be the talk off the town for at least the entire day?

Well, we can’t quite get away with something nearly as cool now, seeing as how we’re grown up now (insert sad face here)… but there is still hope.  We can make some crafts or gifts out of food, and that can still save us money in the long run.  Here’s the break down:
  • 1.    Bouquets.  Have you seen those commercials for the hundred dollar Edible Arrangements or candy bouquets?  You know… “perfect for any occasion” and the like?  Well, did you know you can make your own for a heck of a lot cheaper?  Here are easy to follow instructions to make cookie bouquets and candy bouquets.  I’ve even made chocolate bouquets before by melting down little medallions and putting them into molds.  It was soooooo easy.
  • 2.    Food.  You can make your own food and it can be considered crafty, I suppose.  I’m not talking about pulling a Rachel Ray and making some delicious meal to serve 4.  I’m talking about the raw ingredients.  How about making your own cheese?  Or beer?  Some people brew their own beer, you know.  Could be interesting…
  • 3.    Edible Crafts.  You know those cool classroom parties you used to have when parents would come in and bring treats?  Maybe you would play some themed games?  The cupcakes were decorated, there were candy cane reindeer, the brownie was shaped like a turkey, and the M and Ms were all red and pink?  How is that not crafty?  I totally say it counts.  If you add some glue or an interesting shape, it’s a craft.  It’s just very yummy to eat at the exact same time…
Anyway, I hope you all can enjoy your time this week, talking about grocery shopping and the different, easy ways to save some cash here and there.  If you come back tomorrow, you can get yourself a little introduction to the next theme, which has to do with the forgotten holiday…

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