Thursday, November 12, 2009

12 Plates of Food Later...

So let’s think about what happens after the illustrious Thanksgiving feast… just right after the nap on the couch and the end of the football games.  Just a smidge after the plans for Black Friday…

Yep.  We’re talking about the guilt.  The horrifying feeling that you’ve gained over eight pounds in one sitting.  Some people even feel the need to do something about it… and I mean people other than my brother, who is a wrestler (and whose favorite food is mashed potatoes).

So we’re here to talk about exercise and gym memberships… some of the easiest places to see some flying or base jumping dollars make their way from your wallet to some other place that will probably not make you super happy.

Alright, well let’s get started.  If you’ve ever had a history teacher and asked him/her what the purpose of learning the history is, the following is probably the answer you got.  “You cannot know about the current situation without knowing it’s history.  You cannot know who you are without knowing where you came from.”  So, here is the history of the exercise culture, so you can see exactly where and why everything has become so expensive.

There are many people that love to go to gyms… I personally do not really enjoy them because I always feel self conscious with all the ripped people running 236 miles on the treadmill next to me.  However, if you use them, you definitely know how they can be stressful on the purse-strings.

Here are five different ways to save money on gyms… the best one I found was to simply go to the gym.  How many memberships are going to waste?

For others that do not necessarily want to go to gyms, there are tons of different ways to work out at home and save money (or spend none at all).  Here is a website that gives a ridiculous amount of exercises, most of which don’t require machines, that you can probably do any chance you have a spare minute.  Just click on the section of the body that you want to work on and have at it. 

Also, if you want some methods without having to actually work for it, you can go sign up for this newsletter.  It’s free and can get sent right to your inbox.

Either way, whether you go to a gym or not, there are certain things you can do lifestyle wise to save some more money and be more fit.  For example, eating out less can save up room for next Thanksgiving!

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