Friday, November 20, 2009

Weekend Wind-Down: Cooking and Leftovers

Happy Friday!  We’ve made it through the week and through the final food theme!  Next week, we’ll be back with a new start, a new holiday, and a new holiday season (because I refuse to start Christmas stuff until after Thanksgiving)!

Unfortunately, today I don’t have a video to share with you, since Fridays are normally pretty short anyway.  But, as per tradition and to make some of your blog surfing a little bit easier, I present to you:

Weekend Wind-Down: Cooking and Leftovers Edition!  Every Friday, I count down the top four blog posts or articles I’ve read on the week’s theme.  Each one has to do with one of the main days, Monday through Thursday.

But, in a slight change of tradition, instead of me presenting these blog posts without any more ado… Frog is going to do it instead.
  • 1.    Table Talk – this is by far the best article/blog post I have ever seen on cooking with leftovers.  Not only does the writer give ideas on how to use different foods from leftovers in new dishes, she also gives ideas on how to store them to keep them fresher for a longer period of time.  I’ve actually bookmarked this particular article.  I have a feeling it will come in handy.
  • 2.    The Mama Bee – Mama Bee breaks down so many different spices that may or may not have been covered earlier this week.  You’ll have to go to the site to find out just what exactly is up with all of them.  What you’ll find when you get there is a good list, broken down, easy to read.  If you’re thinking about going shopping for something savory to add to your kitchen arsenal, check this site out before you make your list.
  • 3.    FN Humor – In reality, this has nothing to do with us saving money.  I just saw it and started laughing so hard, it was difficult to stop.  I realize that most of you are not Food Network (FN) junkies like I am… but just trust me when I say these are funny.  It’s Food Network Humor: How the Network can Save Money!  There are lots of pictures, too!
  • 4.    Examiner – Finally, I present to you to best article I’ve found on eating healthy while on a budget.  It’s the top 10 tips, which is always a favorite of mine, pretty much because it makes it quicker and easier to read.
Come back tomorrow to see a new cool DIY craft.  Remember that all of them can be used as good Christmas gifts or something to save you money as you keep your place organized!

There will also be a video tomorrow…

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