Saturday, November 14, 2009

DIY Saturday: Old CDs

So, who listens to their “Big Willie Style” CD?  Or the eighth copy of the Spice Girls CD you got for Christmas a decade ago?  I won’t bring up the NSYNC CDs because I hope you found yours and put it in the player to listen to the song, “Just Got Paid.”

But, really… now that I’m thinking about it… do you even listen to your CDs?  If you have an iPod or even just iTunes, are those archaic, bumpy teeny cylinders being used at all?

If not, maybe consider making something new out of them.  The actual materials won’t cost any money, if you have some lying around… Here are some ideas you can use:
  • 1.    Clocks!  Think about it!  They already have a hole for the mechanics.  Just buy a clock kit and instantly, there is a gift for someone.  You can paint on it or leave it all shiny.  Maybe just use the other side and show off the art, just like you would with an old LP.
  • 2.    WipeBoards!  Granted, this isn’t made with the actual CD, but rather the cases.  They are just plastics, after all.  Paint the inside or use some paper to make the inside white.  Use dry erase markers or something that will wipe off easy.  BOOM!  I’m talking instant.
  • 3.    Ornaments and decorations.  Check out this page on how to make a CD snowman.  This would be perfect for my mom, I must say.  Or, if you have some friends that are really into the retro idea, these can be used very plainly for other forms of decorations.
  • 4.    Lamp!  Chandelier!  Wallpaper!
  • 5.    Finally, what about some other form of art?  You can just take the CDs and make something else beautiful!
Alright, well, those are all my ideas, but here is a page that has 22 different ideas for “Making CDs Awesome Again!”

Or better yet, if you really want to look into some ridiculously creative ideas… you can check out this free e-book.  It’s about 20 pages long and has 101 different ways to repurpose old CDs – most of the them with pictures!  I once found a blog post on this same subject, but have since lost the URL.  If you find it, let me know!

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