Tuesday, November 10, 2009

They'll Never Know

I’m quite serious.  There is no way in the world that your visitors will know anything about these cutbacks.  There are so many different places you can skimp there or ignore that – without ever having to worry about your mother in law looking at you like you don’t treat her baby boy the way she wants him to become accustomed.

For starters, these different tricks will only work if you plan ahead.  You figure out what you’re going to serve before the actual day, don’t you?  Why not just add a couple more things to the list.  It is the best way to save.  I know I keep harping on making lists, but until you try it, you will never know just how awesome it is.

Save on dessert.  Why not consider a pot luck?  Can’t your best friend make a couple cookies and bring them to dinner if you’re providing everything else?  In a perfect Thanksgiving (for me, at least), the cook would never have to be a baker.  There is a difference, by the way. 

Speaking of dessert, do you really need 8 different varieties?  Can’t just a cheesecake and pumpkin pie due?  Do you need the cake, pecan pie, pumpkins pie, ice cream, etc?  Most likely people will be so stuffed by that time that there is no room for all of that.  Cut it completely.  No one will notice.

Think about the Leftovers.  Just like before… do you need 20 pounds of baked turkey for 4 people?  Ummm… hopefully not.  How annoying are all those leftovers anyway?  Who really wants to eat Thanksgiving dinner for an entire week?  No one I know …. Except maybe my roommate.  She loves everything about Thanksgiving.  She makes her mom make pumpkin pie on her birthday – which is St. Patrick’s day.

If you’re more of a forum person, saving money on Thanksgiving is a hot topic.  Here is one that I’ve found.  It covers a little bit of everything, from not using your Jack O Lanterns for cooking to Inviting others to dinner, making the situation all the richer.

Anyway, here are some more ways to cut costs, where no one else will notice.
  • 1.    Don’t pay for convenience.  Paper products are disposable… but they also cost money.
  • 2.    Involve the guests.  Why not make the whole thing a potluck instead of just dessert?  I know plenty of people that would be very happy to bring the green bean casserole if you provide the turkey.
  • 3.    Shop Wisely.  If you prefer the disposable baking pans, like I do, shop at the dollar store.  They may be just a smidge thinner, but there is no other reason why they would not work for the dinner.  Those things are very expensive in the grocery stores.
  • 4.    Stick to your list!!!

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