Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Things NEVER to be Without

In this post, I’m really not talking about some of the really cool kitchen gadgets that are out there.  My personal favorite is the anti-freeze ice cream scoop, closely followed by the cookie dropper.  Not all kitchens need those things.  But there are certain tiny morsels that every single one cannot be without…

Have you ever eaten a meal that was completely and utterly bland?  Like chicken that has no taste or some dry turkey breast?  I bet, if you had the opportunity, you slathered on some gravy or ketchup or something.  Or maybe you just ate some more random food in order to feel satisfied.

The funny thing about humans is that we crave to have flavor in our dishes.  If you eat one portion of well seasoned whatever, it is more satisfying than a couple portions of something bland.  I guess it’s the taste buds’ way of overcompensating or seeking out what it really wants.

What better way to save on cooking than to actually season and spice your food?  That way, you won’t feel the need to cook more or eat more because your taste buds are always happy.

Bet you didn’t know this, but there are some health benefits to spices.  I’m not a Biology person, so I really don’t want to spout off my mouth, due to no credentials, but check this website out.  Also, if you really get into the spice thing, you might want to consider buying them in bulk.  Even if your taste buds prefer the organic route, there are organic spices, never fear.

Check out this video.  It breaks down the spices and seasonings that you cannot have a kitchen without.  I don’t know what you’d call it if you didn’t have them… ideas?

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