Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fill in the Blank: Reduce, _______, Recycle

Happy Thanksgiving!

And I seem to be completely failing as a blogger this week… I said yesterday that I wanted it to be my shortest post.  But today is the actual holiday.  I have no idea what I was thinking.  But to make up for it, I have 2 awesome videos for you!

One of the best ways to decorate with no money is to reuse or re-purpose some of the things you already have… it’s much better than buying completely new, anyway.  If you want some pretty good ideas to get you started, go here.

Also, if you think about the 3 R’s in connection with decorating, hopefully there will be another connection made in your mind – going Green.  This is the best way to save the environment and save your wallet.

Here’s a video on reusing Christmas ornaments for decoration, since tomorrow is a big decorating day for a lot of people.  The second one down there is how to make storage and shelves into a decoration in itself… it’s less to think about in the long run!

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