Friday, November 6, 2009

Weekend Wind-Down: Coupon-Less Grocery Shopping

Happy Friday everyone!

I hope your week hasn’t been too long and ridiculous and that you are going to have some time for yourself coming up in the next couple days.  I will, unfortunately, be writing papers and storyboards, but I hope to find some extra time for relaxing.

Frog will, of course, keep dancing.  It’s what he does.  In fact, he kind of reminds me of the Warner Brother Frog – Michigan J. Frog.  In fact, here – let me know what you think.

Anyway, every Friday I sum up the 4 best blog posts and articles that deal with this week’s theme.  It’s called the Weekend Wind-Down and this is the Coupon-Less Grocery Shopping Edition!
  • 1.    Live Large, Spend Less – This woman is the head of a family of 6.  She made the switch to cash for her grocery shopping budget and this is what she calls a review.  But review, she means she gives you everything she’s bought that month, grocery wise, down to the .1 ounce.  She came in over $36 under budget.  Go ahead and check it out… you could probably do the same.
  • 2.    Frugal Dad – It’s recently come to my attention that some of my guy readers were thinking that I was focusing more on the women readership because I was putting up only “mommy blogs”… so this week, I’ve found the perfect alternative.  A daddy blog.  This is written by a man for men and it gives some great, simple, and almost effortless ways to save money on groceries.
  • 3.    Not Made of Money – This article is about the best ways to use the grocery store ads that come in the paper.  If you’re not going to really go online and find out about the sales, like it was stated earlier this week, and you are loyal to the paper, this is for you.  It gives ways to save time, effort, and energy when hunting through them.
  • 4.    Cooking with Amy – Amy was participating in the Hunger Challenge, which was to create 3 meals a day for under $4, which is the budget of someone on food stamps.  She learned a lot about saving money while grocery shopping through this experience and gives her tips in a quick, easy to read style.
PS – I know I’ve been a little video crazy this week.  YouTube was just calling me.  Leave a comment or email me and let me know if you like them.  If you do, I’ll try to include them more in the future!

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