Saturday, November 21, 2009

DIY Saturday: Magazine Holders

Happy Saturday!  Every weekend, I find some way to save money on something that can be given as gift or something to be used around the house.  Everything that I find is super simple and super inexpensive.  In fact, any one can do it.  That’s why I call it Do-It-Yourself Saturday!  You could do these crafts after reading the post and you would need no extra training, unless you don’t know how to use scissors.

This week, we’re talking about storage.  Simple storage, like something to put on a desk or a photo box.  There are so many different ways to make them and decorate them, it’s almost countless.  So we’re going to keep it simple, just like the idea.

For storage boxes, it can be as simple as putting fabric around an old shoe box.  Or using wrapping paper on a box to keep ornaments in.  Here’s a great place to go to learn to make some easy ones.  But if you don’t want to trouble of clicking through two sites, just go here.  Good ole eHow.

Secondly, if you’re a packrat like some other people I know, you might have a bunch of magazines sitting around.  There is a ridiculously easy way to make magazine holders that will cost you less than 50 cents.  Take a cereal box, cut it at an angle.  Voila!  Instant.

However, if you need the pictures, you can go here, which gives you pictures on every step of the way.  Not that’s there’s many steps.  And, in fact, depending on what type of box you use, this same idea can be used for more than just magazines.  Maybe some super simple bookends or something.

However, if you need more than pictures, click the little play button on this video.  It’s a really cool tutorial.  Super easy.

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