Monday, November 16, 2009

Time to Watch Some TV

Yep, I’m going to be one of the most well-liked teachers when I finally graduate and get a job.  Why?  Because the homework I’m assigning to all of you is to go watch some TV.  The Food Network to be precise.

My boyfriend will tell you – this is the only channel I can watch for hours without getting antsy or feeling the need to go do something else.  I did the research for this post while watching it.  Some may call it cheating… I call it being resourceful and getting inspiration.

So go watch the Food Network.  You’ll be pleasantly surprised when you get there and find out that there are many different shows on there dedicated to saving money.  These shows will not only give you ideas for recipes, they can also teach you how to budget money, time, and effort into making a good meal.
  • 1.    Sandra’s Money Saving Meals!  This show is all about cooking for a variety of people for a variety of reasons.  My personal favorite episode was the tailgating one.  She breaks down how much she paid for each ingredient, how many servings it makes, and finishes up the math for you by figuring out how much per person.  You just have to watch and curb your grumbling stomach!
  • 2.    5 Ingredient Fix!  Think about it.  The less you use, the less you have to buy.  Even if one of the ingredients in filet mignon, at least you don’t have to spend any money on any other random ingredient.  Also, this makes cooking so much easier… what a great way to start out.
  • 3.    $40 a Day!  Rachel Ray, the queen of 30 Minute Meals, has a mission to travel around the world on a food budget of $40 a day.  That’s for 3 meals and any other snacks in between.  Thinking about Spring break?  Check out this show.
  • 4.    Quick Fix Meals!  Just like 30 Minute Meals, only faster.  Some of the recipes aren’t necessarily based on saving money, but you can adapt quickly, considering these take only a couple minutes to make.
  • 5.    Ten Dollar Dinners!  Finally, we have the winner of The Next Food Network Star, who’s cooking dinner every episode for $10… and it serves 4 people.  Ummm… yes please!
But that’s not all!  Since this is video week, I offer you a sneak preview of two of the shows, without even having to click over to a new website!  The first clip is from Sandra’s Money Saving Meals, which is my particular favorite (for reasons we will revisit later this week).  The second is from Ten Dollar Dinners!  Enjoy!

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