Friday, November 27, 2009

Weekend Wind-Down: Decorating

Happy Black Friday!

Let me tell you… I’m very tired.  I’m one of those crazy people that if I have a list when I go out to shop, I’ll be out there super early to try to get some of that shopping knocked out.  I just really hate it when little old ladies run into the back of my heels with their carts.  Not cool.

Anyway, it’s Friday, so it’s the Weekend Wind-Down!  These are the top blogs I’ve glanced through this week on decorating on next to no money!
  • 1.    Thrifty Décor Chick – I actually have this blog bookmarked.  She’s a really down to Earth writer and always has some great and creative ideas.  What’s even better about her is that she uses tons of pictures and does tutorials on what she’s making (and then eventually gives the one she made in the tutorial away to one lucky reader).
  • 2.    Decor8 – This particular post is information overload.  There is no much information in large chunks of text.  While I don’t necessarily agree with how she presents her information, if you have time to sift through all that black text, you will get some really useful tips and information.
  • 3.    Design Sponge – This blog is one organized how I like it.  It has categories and links giving different ideas for decorating… Under $10, $20, $30, and $40.
  • 4. – I’ve used quite a bit of articles from this website for many different things.  What can I say?  They have a little bit of everything, so I can always find it.  However, this is the first time I’ve used a blog from here.  They’re short, sweet and to the point.

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