Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh, This Old Thing?

I’ve found quite a bit of information that relates to spending very little money to decorate… but really, if I had to choose between spending very little money and spending no money at all, I’d definitely choose to second one.

But how can it be done?  Utilize what you already have!  What crap do you have sitting in the basement that you can bring up to switch it up in the living room?  What is still at your parents’ house?

I was going to just think up a bunch of different examples, but I really hit the jackpot.  Evidently, on HGTV, there is an entire show dedicated to redoing rooms with no money.  The people that get it are just starting out… just like us!

The show is called FreeStyle.  Clever, huh?  Check out this little video clip from one of the episodes.  Pretty good advice for spending no money.

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