Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Time Has Come...

As the poem goes, "The Time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things."

Well, luckily for that walrus, we have already been down that road.  We have talked and learned for months now about many aspects of saving money.  And although there are hundreds is themes left over that we just have not even touched upon, at least for right now, someone else will have to take the reins.

My life right now has just become too hectic for me to be able to continue this enterprise the way I have.  Finals are just about to eats me alive, I'm moving, starting a "full time" teaching job called Student Teaching, and all sorts of other things.  Time is just not on my side.

Maybe some time, I'll be able to return and hopefully I'll find the time to post at least a couple times a week, but the days of everyday posts and weekly themes are over.  But... don't fret.  Here's to hoping that when things calm down, I'll be able to return.

As a parting gift and in honor of the upcoming holiday, I leave with you my final words (for the time being).  Here are some simple ways to save money on Holiday Shopping!
  1. Be personal.  My Aunt Patti, for whatever odd reason, absolutely loves power tools.  She can be that type of woman.  If I got her some amazing new piece of technology, that would be fine... but what will really make an impact is a simply little screwdriver set or small drill.  It's what she likes.  Take the time to actually think about the person you are buying for.  Even if it only cost a couple bucks, I can guarantee it will be much more appreciated.
  2. Make a list.  This is my favorite piece of advice for anyone.  Make a list.  You won't forget anyone and if you have a list, you are more likely NOT to buy for someone twice, like I've done in the past.
  3. Go early.  People who shop at the last minute are more likely to just grab something on the end of the aisle, simply because it is the easiest thing to do under pressure.  That's not being personal and who even knows what the price is... If you just go early, then you can eliminate the problem and give yourself a little bit of cushion.
  4. DIY.  Handmade gifts are almost always appreciated.  I've given you some random ideas for the past couple of months.  Maybe one of them will turn out to be helpful.


  1. I will miss this :(

    Thank you for your efforts

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