Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Time Has Come...

As the poem goes, "The Time has come, the Walrus said, to talk of many things."

Well, luckily for that walrus, we have already been down that road.  We have talked and learned for months now about many aspects of saving money.  And although there are hundreds is themes left over that we just have not even touched upon, at least for right now, someone else will have to take the reins.

My life right now has just become too hectic for me to be able to continue this enterprise the way I have.  Finals are just about to eats me alive, I'm moving, starting a "full time" teaching job called Student Teaching, and all sorts of other things.  Time is just not on my side.

Maybe some time, I'll be able to return and hopefully I'll find the time to post at least a couple times a week, but the days of everyday posts and weekly themes are over.  But... don't fret.  Here's to hoping that when things calm down, I'll be able to return.

As a parting gift and in honor of the upcoming holiday, I leave with you my final words (for the time being).  Here are some simple ways to save money on Holiday Shopping!
  1. Be personal.  My Aunt Patti, for whatever odd reason, absolutely loves power tools.  She can be that type of woman.  If I got her some amazing new piece of technology, that would be fine... but what will really make an impact is a simply little screwdriver set or small drill.  It's what she likes.  Take the time to actually think about the person you are buying for.  Even if it only cost a couple bucks, I can guarantee it will be much more appreciated.
  2. Make a list.  This is my favorite piece of advice for anyone.  Make a list.  You won't forget anyone and if you have a list, you are more likely NOT to buy for someone twice, like I've done in the past.
  3. Go early.  People who shop at the last minute are more likely to just grab something on the end of the aisle, simply because it is the easiest thing to do under pressure.  That's not being personal and who even knows what the price is... If you just go early, then you can eliminate the problem and give yourself a little bit of cushion.
  4. DIY.  Handmade gifts are almost always appreciated.  I've given you some random ideas for the past couple of months.  Maybe one of them will turn out to be helpful.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

DIY Saturday: Wall Art

Happy Saturday!

And you know what that means!  It’s Do-It-Yourself Saturday where we break down some very easy and crafty ways to make gifts or something else for your place!

This week, we’ve been talking about decorating, so what better topic for today than how to make your own art?

Well, I originally had this grandiose plan of doing another photo tutorial like I did earlier this semester, but to tell you the truth, between putting up the tree, spending time with family, and shopping… I really haven’t had the time to get all of that done.

But the good news is that I found someone that did it better than I ever could.  The idea is so very simple. Take a calendar you already have (or buy one when they’re really cheap in the middle of January) and use it just for the pictures.  All you have to do is add a frame and viola!  Instant art!

Also, if you’re one of my scrapbooking readers, you can check out this video tutorial on how to make a sign for a crafting room.  She has a wonderful accent, so enjoy!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Weekend Wind-Down: Decorating

Happy Black Friday!

Let me tell you… I’m very tired.  I’m one of those crazy people that if I have a list when I go out to shop, I’ll be out there super early to try to get some of that shopping knocked out.  I just really hate it when little old ladies run into the back of my heels with their carts.  Not cool.

Anyway, it’s Friday, so it’s the Weekend Wind-Down!  These are the top blogs I’ve glanced through this week on decorating on next to no money!
  • 1.    Thrifty Décor Chick – I actually have this blog bookmarked.  She’s a really down to Earth writer and always has some great and creative ideas.  What’s even better about her is that she uses tons of pictures and does tutorials on what she’s making (and then eventually gives the one she made in the tutorial away to one lucky reader).
  • 2.    Decor8 – This particular post is information overload.  There is no much information in large chunks of text.  While I don’t necessarily agree with how she presents her information, if you have time to sift through all that black text, you will get some really useful tips and information.
  • 3.    Design Sponge – This blog is one organized how I like it.  It has categories and links giving different ideas for decorating… Under $10, $20, $30, and $40.
  • 4. – I’ve used quite a bit of articles from this website for many different things.  What can I say?  They have a little bit of everything, so I can always find it.  However, this is the first time I’ve used a blog from here.  They’re short, sweet and to the point.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Fill in the Blank: Reduce, _______, Recycle

Happy Thanksgiving!

And I seem to be completely failing as a blogger this week… I said yesterday that I wanted it to be my shortest post.  But today is the actual holiday.  I have no idea what I was thinking.  But to make up for it, I have 2 awesome videos for you!

One of the best ways to decorate with no money is to reuse or re-purpose some of the things you already have… it’s much better than buying completely new, anyway.  If you want some pretty good ideas to get you started, go here.

Also, if you think about the 3 R’s in connection with decorating, hopefully there will be another connection made in your mind – going Green.  This is the best way to save the environment and save your wallet.

Here’s a video on reusing Christmas ornaments for decoration, since tomorrow is a big decorating day for a lot of people.  The second one down there is how to make storage and shelves into a decoration in itself… it’s less to think about in the long run!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Willy Wonka's Wild Secrets

One of the best ways to decorate on no money at all is to use your pure imagination!

I really was hoping that this post would be the shortest, since I’m in the process of making a pecan pie, so let’s KISS – Keep It Simple, Stupid.  Here’s a link on how to use your imagination to decorate.  Since all imaginations are different and are supposed to be some form of creative process, I don’t think adding a lot of instructions would go well…

But just in case you need it (and because I simply found it really interesting), here are instructions on how to use your imagination in general.

And to give you a little bit on inspiration… check out these wallpapers… maybe they will spark something in that imagination of yours!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oh, This Old Thing?

I’ve found quite a bit of information that relates to spending very little money to decorate… but really, if I had to choose between spending very little money and spending no money at all, I’d definitely choose to second one.

But how can it be done?  Utilize what you already have!  What crap do you have sitting in the basement that you can bring up to switch it up in the living room?  What is still at your parents’ house?

I was going to just think up a bunch of different examples, but I really hit the jackpot.  Evidently, on HGTV, there is an entire show dedicated to redoing rooms with no money.  The people that get it are just starting out… just like us!

The show is called FreeStyle.  Clever, huh?  Check out this little video clip from one of the episodes.  Pretty good advice for spending no money.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I Got This for a Dime!

Sorry… it’s only Day 2 and I’ve already failed you.  I tried my hardest, but I could really not find a single video that would fit what I wanted to talk about today…

This is the best way that I’ve found to get holiday decorating done!  Buy everything you want AFTERWARDS!  It may not make sense for this year, but think about all the possibilities.  After New Year’s, how much are all the Christmas things discounted?  Sometimes it’s over 90%.  You’d be surprised what you can find.

Check out these two articles (Article 1 and Article 2) on how to save money on decorating.  In the first paragraphs of both of them, it talks about just buying the seasonal items during the clearance sales after the events.  It’s good advice.

Oh, and just in case you were wondering, if you check out this Consumerist site, you can find out the best times for random things like air conditioners.  Evidently there is an air conditioner buying season.  Who knew?

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Trading Spaces on a Dime

Once again, we’re going to start this week off with a disclaimer.  Since it is Thanksgiving week, I really want to be able to spend time with family.  I have some time off school, which is really exciting, but I want to go hang out with my grandma.

But there is good news.  I’m not going to stop posting!  And since many of you have reacted positively to all the videos I used last week as an experiment, we’re going to do that again this week!

So, once again, this week is going to be a little bit shorter in the text department, but have more videos to add!  Oh, and by the way, this week’s theme is on decorating.  Interpret the theme however you want… it could be decorating for the holidays or just in general.  I’m going to try to add in a little bit of both.

Well, for starters, decorating can be done with very little money and sometimes none at all.  I’m terrified of those decorating shows that spend $40,000 on a room when I know people that have spend that on their college education.  Ouch.

Here are some ideas you can use to start off – some ways to spend no money on almost every room in the house and an apartment living room makeover!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

DIY Saturday: Magazine Holders

Happy Saturday!  Every weekend, I find some way to save money on something that can be given as gift or something to be used around the house.  Everything that I find is super simple and super inexpensive.  In fact, any one can do it.  That’s why I call it Do-It-Yourself Saturday!  You could do these crafts after reading the post and you would need no extra training, unless you don’t know how to use scissors.

This week, we’re talking about storage.  Simple storage, like something to put on a desk or a photo box.  There are so many different ways to make them and decorate them, it’s almost countless.  So we’re going to keep it simple, just like the idea.

For storage boxes, it can be as simple as putting fabric around an old shoe box.  Or using wrapping paper on a box to keep ornaments in.  Here’s a great place to go to learn to make some easy ones.  But if you don’t want to trouble of clicking through two sites, just go here.  Good ole eHow.

Secondly, if you’re a packrat like some other people I know, you might have a bunch of magazines sitting around.  There is a ridiculously easy way to make magazine holders that will cost you less than 50 cents.  Take a cereal box, cut it at an angle.  Voila!  Instant.

However, if you need the pictures, you can go here, which gives you pictures on every step of the way.  Not that’s there’s many steps.  And, in fact, depending on what type of box you use, this same idea can be used for more than just magazines.  Maybe some super simple bookends or something.

However, if you need more than pictures, click the little play button on this video.  It’s a really cool tutorial.  Super easy.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Weekend Wind-Down: Cooking and Leftovers

Happy Friday!  We’ve made it through the week and through the final food theme!  Next week, we’ll be back with a new start, a new holiday, and a new holiday season (because I refuse to start Christmas stuff until after Thanksgiving)!

Unfortunately, today I don’t have a video to share with you, since Fridays are normally pretty short anyway.  But, as per tradition and to make some of your blog surfing a little bit easier, I present to you:

Weekend Wind-Down: Cooking and Leftovers Edition!  Every Friday, I count down the top four blog posts or articles I’ve read on the week’s theme.  Each one has to do with one of the main days, Monday through Thursday.

But, in a slight change of tradition, instead of me presenting these blog posts without any more ado… Frog is going to do it instead.
  • 1.    Table Talk – this is by far the best article/blog post I have ever seen on cooking with leftovers.  Not only does the writer give ideas on how to use different foods from leftovers in new dishes, she also gives ideas on how to store them to keep them fresher for a longer period of time.  I’ve actually bookmarked this particular article.  I have a feeling it will come in handy.
  • 2.    The Mama Bee – Mama Bee breaks down so many different spices that may or may not have been covered earlier this week.  You’ll have to go to the site to find out just what exactly is up with all of them.  What you’ll find when you get there is a good list, broken down, easy to read.  If you’re thinking about going shopping for something savory to add to your kitchen arsenal, check this site out before you make your list.
  • 3.    FN Humor – In reality, this has nothing to do with us saving money.  I just saw it and started laughing so hard, it was difficult to stop.  I realize that most of you are not Food Network (FN) junkies like I am… but just trust me when I say these are funny.  It’s Food Network Humor: How the Network can Save Money!  There are lots of pictures, too!
  • 4.    Examiner – Finally, I present to you to best article I’ve found on eating healthy while on a budget.  It’s the top 10 tips, which is always a favorite of mine, pretty much because it makes it quicker and easier to read.
Come back tomorrow to see a new cool DIY craft.  Remember that all of them can be used as good Christmas gifts or something to save you money as you keep your place organized!

There will also be a video tomorrow…

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Round 2 is Just as Good

Remember when I asked you to watch some TV for homework?  Well, I forgot to add one show to it, mostly likely because this one is on TLC and not Food Network.  This show is called Cook Once, Eat Twice.  It’s all about… leftovers!

Leftovers are the perfect, hidden way to save money on cooking.  If you’re going to take the time to make a meal, you know it’s going to be something you really like.  However, at the same time, you don’t want to like it for the next couple days.  You taste buds get sick of it (remember when we were talking about spices?  Same thing).

The secret to cooking leftovers is to make something new with them.  Here are some tricks of the trade when it comes to making new meals with old leftovers.  Also, if you’re all about the Italian side of things, here are 7 ways to use leftovers to make a new Italian style meal.  Yummy!

Also, I promised you on Monday that I would tell you why Sandra’s Money Saving Meals is my favorite show out of the ones I listed.  It’s quite simple.  She does a segment called “Round 2.”  She takes the leftovers from one of her already money saving recipes and makes something new from it.

This is perfect because when my boyfriend and I cook, it is normally just for the two of us.  There are rarely any recipes that are made for 2 portions.  Almost always 4 or more.  We got sick of leftovers… until I discovered this.

There are two samples for you!  The first is a calzone recipe made from leftover spaghetti and meatballs.  The second is pork pot stickers from Pulled Pork Sandwiches!  The great thing about all of these is that if you prefer that recipe, you can just make that and don’t have to worry about Round 1!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

20 lbs by Christmas?!?

We talked briefly about organic foods yesterday.  This is not the main crux of today’s post… unless you really want to stretch your interpretation.  I’m fine with any, as long as you keep reading!  ;-)

Today is basically about this guy.

Ok, it’s not really about that guy, but rather his argument.  It is completely possible to eat healthy while on a budget.  MSNBC even did a story about it.  It can be done.

For example, when you buy fresh fruits and vegetables, buy them when they’re in season.  If you decide in the middle on winter that you really need an apple, it’s going to cost you more because that solitary apple has to be imported or brought in from another part of the country.  There’s no reason to discount frozen vegetables, either.  Just learn to read the labels, so you’re not getting anything crazy.

Also, you can make farmer’s markets your new haunt.  While some of their items may seem expensive when you get there, it’s just like grocery shopping.  No one wants to see the final bill because it’s a lot of money at one time.  But break it down.  You don’t have the benefit of the labels like at the grocery store, but a little more thought and maybe a calculator, which most cell phones have, added into the mix… you’re good to go.

Here are a couple more ideas on how to make sure you get your money’s worth on eating healthy.  These 7 tips are pretty good and this one has lots of pictures to go along with the arguments.
And finally, without any further ado, here is the second video of the day, which is about picking out the right foods to eat healthy, which is the foundation of saving money in this endeavor.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Things NEVER to be Without

In this post, I’m really not talking about some of the really cool kitchen gadgets that are out there.  My personal favorite is the anti-freeze ice cream scoop, closely followed by the cookie dropper.  Not all kitchens need those things.  But there are certain tiny morsels that every single one cannot be without…

Have you ever eaten a meal that was completely and utterly bland?  Like chicken that has no taste or some dry turkey breast?  I bet, if you had the opportunity, you slathered on some gravy or ketchup or something.  Or maybe you just ate some more random food in order to feel satisfied.

The funny thing about humans is that we crave to have flavor in our dishes.  If you eat one portion of well seasoned whatever, it is more satisfying than a couple portions of something bland.  I guess it’s the taste buds’ way of overcompensating or seeking out what it really wants.

What better way to save on cooking than to actually season and spice your food?  That way, you won’t feel the need to cook more or eat more because your taste buds are always happy.

Bet you didn’t know this, but there are some health benefits to spices.  I’m not a Biology person, so I really don’t want to spout off my mouth, due to no credentials, but check this website out.  Also, if you really get into the spice thing, you might want to consider buying them in bulk.  Even if your taste buds prefer the organic route, there are organic spices, never fear.

Check out this video.  It breaks down the spices and seasonings that you cannot have a kitchen without.  I don’t know what you’d call it if you didn’t have them… ideas?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Time to Watch Some TV

Yep, I’m going to be one of the most well-liked teachers when I finally graduate and get a job.  Why?  Because the homework I’m assigning to all of you is to go watch some TV.  The Food Network to be precise.

My boyfriend will tell you – this is the only channel I can watch for hours without getting antsy or feeling the need to go do something else.  I did the research for this post while watching it.  Some may call it cheating… I call it being resourceful and getting inspiration.

So go watch the Food Network.  You’ll be pleasantly surprised when you get there and find out that there are many different shows on there dedicated to saving money.  These shows will not only give you ideas for recipes, they can also teach you how to budget money, time, and effort into making a good meal.
  • 1.    Sandra’s Money Saving Meals!  This show is all about cooking for a variety of people for a variety of reasons.  My personal favorite episode was the tailgating one.  She breaks down how much she paid for each ingredient, how many servings it makes, and finishes up the math for you by figuring out how much per person.  You just have to watch and curb your grumbling stomach!
  • 2.    5 Ingredient Fix!  Think about it.  The less you use, the less you have to buy.  Even if one of the ingredients in filet mignon, at least you don’t have to spend any money on any other random ingredient.  Also, this makes cooking so much easier… what a great way to start out.
  • 3.    $40 a Day!  Rachel Ray, the queen of 30 Minute Meals, has a mission to travel around the world on a food budget of $40 a day.  That’s for 3 meals and any other snacks in between.  Thinking about Spring break?  Check out this show.
  • 4.    Quick Fix Meals!  Just like 30 Minute Meals, only faster.  Some of the recipes aren’t necessarily based on saving money, but you can adapt quickly, considering these take only a couple minutes to make.
  • 5.    Ten Dollar Dinners!  Finally, we have the winner of The Next Food Network Star, who’s cooking dinner every episode for $10… and it serves 4 people.  Ummm… yes please!
But that’s not all!  Since this is video week, I offer you a sneak preview of two of the shows, without even having to click over to a new website!  The first clip is from Sandra’s Money Saving Meals, which is my particular favorite (for reasons we will revisit later this week).  The second is from Ten Dollar Dinners!  Enjoy!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

McDonald's Only Has So Much on the Menu

Sorry this is so late... it has been a busy weekend.

Ladies and Gentlemen, there are a couple announcements that need to be made in honor of this week’s post.  The first is that it’s the third week in a row based on food.  The second is that I know it could possibly be boring by now since I haven’t mixed it up too far.  The third is that since next week is Thanksgiving, all of my classes are piling on the work to get in before we get a break!

So, the result of all those announcements is this: we’re having a video week!  This means that the actual written parts of the posts will be shorter this week because I don’t have quite as much time… but there will be some sort of video or multi-media presentation to fill up that extra space!  I’ve been scouring YouTube for a while now and I think I’ve found some good ones that will fit with this week’s theme…

Cooking at home!  Now, don’t forget, we’re all about saving time and money on the Just Starting Out Blog… so even though it may just be so much more appealing to eat out and have someone serve you, you know it won’t save money in the long run.  The good news is that after this week, you’ll have some ideas on how to save time, too!

First of all, look back at the title.  I’ve heard so many times that cooking at home cannot even come close to saving all money that McDonald’s dollar menu (and more recently $2.99 cheeseburger value meal).  Well, I did so much Googling on this… and luckily, I’ve found the answer.  Cooking at home can save $3 a week.  So there.

If you’re a complete fast food freak like some people I know and love, it may be difficult to get started.  Don’t worry.  There are easy ways to do it.  Baby steps.  And once you get it into a habit, there are ways to cut back the costs from there.  If you know what you’re doing, you can save more money next week than you did this week!

But now, check out these time and money saving tips!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

DIY Saturday: Old CDs

So, who listens to their “Big Willie Style” CD?  Or the eighth copy of the Spice Girls CD you got for Christmas a decade ago?  I won’t bring up the NSYNC CDs because I hope you found yours and put it in the player to listen to the song, “Just Got Paid.”

But, really… now that I’m thinking about it… do you even listen to your CDs?  If you have an iPod or even just iTunes, are those archaic, bumpy teeny cylinders being used at all?

If not, maybe consider making something new out of them.  The actual materials won’t cost any money, if you have some lying around… Here are some ideas you can use:
  • 1.    Clocks!  Think about it!  They already have a hole for the mechanics.  Just buy a clock kit and instantly, there is a gift for someone.  You can paint on it or leave it all shiny.  Maybe just use the other side and show off the art, just like you would with an old LP.
  • 2.    WipeBoards!  Granted, this isn’t made with the actual CD, but rather the cases.  They are just plastics, after all.  Paint the inside or use some paper to make the inside white.  Use dry erase markers or something that will wipe off easy.  BOOM!  I’m talking instant.
  • 3.    Ornaments and decorations.  Check out this page on how to make a CD snowman.  This would be perfect for my mom, I must say.  Or, if you have some friends that are really into the retro idea, these can be used very plainly for other forms of decorations.
  • 4.    Lamp!  Chandelier!  Wallpaper!
  • 5.    Finally, what about some other form of art?  You can just take the CDs and make something else beautiful!
Alright, well, those are all my ideas, but here is a page that has 22 different ideas for “Making CDs Awesome Again!”

Or better yet, if you really want to look into some ridiculously creative ideas… you can check out this free e-book.  It’s about 20 pages long and has 101 different ways to repurpose old CDs – most of the them with pictures!  I once found a blog post on this same subject, but have since lost the URL.  If you find it, let me know!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Weekend Wind-Down: Thanksgiving

Happy Friday, everyone!

Welcome to the Weekend Wind-Down!  Every Friday, I know that everyone is really tired from the week and is just looking forward to being done.  I am absolutely no different.  Even though I just have more work beckoning me this weekend since there are only a couple weeks left in the semester, I am really looking forward to this Saturday and Sunday.

But I digress.  Fridays are reserved for the best blog posts and/or articles that I found on this week’s theme.  Since this week was all about Thanksgiving and the aftermath, I present to you the Weekend Wind-Down: Thanksgiving!
  • 1.    eHow – Monday, we talked all about the biggest star of Thanksgiving – the turkey.  We ran into some problems there due to the fact that turkey is already one of the cheapest proteins to buy in the super market.  However, there still are some really easy and coupon-less ways to save on them.  eHow has become one of my favorite websites recently, if you couldn’t tell by all the different links to the various articles smattered throughout this blog.  This particular article is all on ways to save on turkey!  Read up… there are some really good ideas in there.
  • 2.    Living on a Dime – Finding some of the pieces of advice this week have seemed very long winded for some reason.  This particular article is just the opposite – short and to the point.  Each different idea or discover is in bold with a short description.  This is the perfect site to go to if you’re running low on time or worried that your boss will catch you reading the Just Starting Out Blog on company hours.
  • 3.    Econobusters – Even though we’ve talked about avoiding dollar stores in the past, they do have their time and place.  This particular blog post is all about dolling up dollar store finds in order to make the perfect (and really cheap) Thanksgiving décor to supplement the colorful and savory meal on the table.
  • 4.    Fiscal Fizzle – Yesterday, we topped off our discussion about Thanksgiving by hitting up the forgotten – the aftermath.  Everyone feels the need to work out or something afterwards.  We talked about gyms and a bunch of different ways to save on those endeavors.  This blog post is all about ways to save (or in some cases, spend no money at all).
Thank you for spending your week with me!  I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and you all can find something to be thankful for – even if it is just a couple days off work.  But remember that I will not quit even during those holiday breaks!  If you come back next week, I’ll find some ideas for you to use all those leftovers that will be sitting in your fridge… without feeling like you’re eating Thanksgiving the whole time.

For those people that must work on Black Friday, I just want to give you as much sympathy as I can… in fact, I say “I’m Sorry” right now, plenty in advance.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

12 Plates of Food Later...

So let’s think about what happens after the illustrious Thanksgiving feast… just right after the nap on the couch and the end of the football games.  Just a smidge after the plans for Black Friday…

Yep.  We’re talking about the guilt.  The horrifying feeling that you’ve gained over eight pounds in one sitting.  Some people even feel the need to do something about it… and I mean people other than my brother, who is a wrestler (and whose favorite food is mashed potatoes).

So we’re here to talk about exercise and gym memberships… some of the easiest places to see some flying or base jumping dollars make their way from your wallet to some other place that will probably not make you super happy.

Alright, well let’s get started.  If you’ve ever had a history teacher and asked him/her what the purpose of learning the history is, the following is probably the answer you got.  “You cannot know about the current situation without knowing it’s history.  You cannot know who you are without knowing where you came from.”  So, here is the history of the exercise culture, so you can see exactly where and why everything has become so expensive.

There are many people that love to go to gyms… I personally do not really enjoy them because I always feel self conscious with all the ripped people running 236 miles on the treadmill next to me.  However, if you use them, you definitely know how they can be stressful on the purse-strings.

Here are five different ways to save money on gyms… the best one I found was to simply go to the gym.  How many memberships are going to waste?

For others that do not necessarily want to go to gyms, there are tons of different ways to work out at home and save money (or spend none at all).  Here is a website that gives a ridiculous amount of exercises, most of which don’t require machines, that you can probably do any chance you have a spare minute.  Just click on the section of the body that you want to work on and have at it. 

Also, if you want some methods without having to actually work for it, you can go sign up for this newsletter.  It’s free and can get sent right to your inbox.

Either way, whether you go to a gym or not, there are certain things you can do lifestyle wise to save some more money and be more fit.  For example, eating out less can save up room for next Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A Cornucopia of Ideas!

It may not be the most important thing, especially with all that luscious food sitting on the table… but think about that table.  Whether it is the antique dining room table that your grand mother left you or the folding table left over from camping, think about what is on it.

Tablecloth?  Napkins and Napkin Rings?  Nice China?  Paper plates with really cool looking fall leaves and turkeys?  Salt and pepper shakers in the shape of pilgrim hats?

Well, for anything when friends and family get together, the host/hostess seems to think that it is absolutely necessary to decorate the place – whether it’s for ambiance or to hide the clutter beneath the bed.  Well, if you’re the one hosting this year, this might be something that you want to think about.  Here are some ways to save:
  • 1.    Table Style – think about what kind of table you want.  If it’s casual, think paper plates.  If not, you shouldn’t have to spend any money because you should already have some sort of plate (I hope).  There are also some really cool ways to find a cheap turkey platter – think yard sales and Goodwill.
  • 2.    Go edible – Maybe you don’t want to have those salt and pepper shakers.  Maybe the food is the most beautiful thing that could ever be expected.
  • 3.    DIY – If you’re one of the people who go crazy, there are tons of different things you can make for your table and apartment.  Napkin rings?  Check.  Pace cards?  Check.  Potpourri?  Check… well, you get the point.
  • 4.    Think Tablecloths – Make your own.  I’m putting this as a separate thing from DIY because there is almost no “doing”.  Find some cloth, have it cut to fit the table.  If you’re really lazy, you don’t even have to hem it.  Slap it on the table.  Viola!  Think about it – the clearance rack in WalMart has all sorts of cheap fabric.  You can get a yard for $1.  You only need 2 for a table cloth…
Now, here’s the thing.  Just because you know how to save money on things, even if it is making it yourself, that does not necessarily mean that you know how to put those things together.  Check out this website.  I’m serious.  Click now.  You can always find some way to make it back to the blog!

The site, which is here (again), is a complete video series on how to decorate for Thanksgiving.  Not all of the ideas are completely money saving, but it is some place you can start to look for ideas and trimming the fat later.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

They'll Never Know

I’m quite serious.  There is no way in the world that your visitors will know anything about these cutbacks.  There are so many different places you can skimp there or ignore that – without ever having to worry about your mother in law looking at you like you don’t treat her baby boy the way she wants him to become accustomed.

For starters, these different tricks will only work if you plan ahead.  You figure out what you’re going to serve before the actual day, don’t you?  Why not just add a couple more things to the list.  It is the best way to save.  I know I keep harping on making lists, but until you try it, you will never know just how awesome it is.

Save on dessert.  Why not consider a pot luck?  Can’t your best friend make a couple cookies and bring them to dinner if you’re providing everything else?  In a perfect Thanksgiving (for me, at least), the cook would never have to be a baker.  There is a difference, by the way. 

Speaking of dessert, do you really need 8 different varieties?  Can’t just a cheesecake and pumpkin pie due?  Do you need the cake, pecan pie, pumpkins pie, ice cream, etc?  Most likely people will be so stuffed by that time that there is no room for all of that.  Cut it completely.  No one will notice.

Think about the Leftovers.  Just like before… do you need 20 pounds of baked turkey for 4 people?  Ummm… hopefully not.  How annoying are all those leftovers anyway?  Who really wants to eat Thanksgiving dinner for an entire week?  No one I know …. Except maybe my roommate.  She loves everything about Thanksgiving.  She makes her mom make pumpkin pie on her birthday – which is St. Patrick’s day.

If you’re more of a forum person, saving money on Thanksgiving is a hot topic.  Here is one that I’ve found.  It covers a little bit of everything, from not using your Jack O Lanterns for cooking to Inviting others to dinner, making the situation all the richer.

Anyway, here are some more ways to cut costs, where no one else will notice.
  • 1.    Don’t pay for convenience.  Paper products are disposable… but they also cost money.
  • 2.    Involve the guests.  Why not make the whole thing a potluck instead of just dessert?  I know plenty of people that would be very happy to bring the green bean casserole if you provide the turkey.
  • 3.    Shop Wisely.  If you prefer the disposable baking pans, like I do, shop at the dollar store.  They may be just a smidge thinner, but there is no other reason why they would not work for the dinner.  Those things are very expensive in the grocery stores.
  • 4.    Stick to your list!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Ever Heard of Hedda Gobbler?

Please, please… hold back your laughter and applause at my deliciously clever title.

If you don’t get the joke, it’s a literature thing: Hedda Gabbler, you know.  The play by Henrik Ibsen.  Read it.  Look it up.  Go see it.

Anyway, let’s get talking about the main course.  The big poo-bah.  The turkey!  After all, it is the star of the dinner.

The problem I’ve found with saving money on turkey is that it is already one of the cheapest meats on the market today.  People will even use ground turkey meat in different meals because it saves money as opposed to beef.

Well, here are some little secrets to throw in there for saving on turkey.
  • 1.    You don’t have to cook the whole thing at the same time.
  • 2.    It’s cheaper to buy the bigg’uns… as long as you have the cash on hand and realize that it’s cheaper by the ounce or pound, not over all.
If you’re more a story type person, check out this website.  It gives some really good ideas on how to save money on your brined turkey.  And it’s slightly enjoyable because it’s like a little story.

Finally, I have a video for you.  There are so many different labels for turkeys… organic, free-range, partial-range, open-range… what do they mean?  I had no idea other than the cost of an extra 5 cents a pound… check out this video, so you know exactly what you’re buying!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Those Pilgrims Had the Right Idea

Well, it’s that time again, folks!  Luckily for us, there is a holiday coming up in this brisk month of November!  This means instant blog theme for the week with no creativity on the parts of either of us.  So without further ado, I give you the numbers on the stomach stretching Thanksgiving!

Well, think about it.  If you weren’t the one to make Thanksgiving dinner last year, how much did your host/hostess spend?  How many people were there?  Some people spent $186 on a dinner for 6 people.  And, that menu was not at all that complicated.  What if you’re feeling a bit more initiative and want to create everything on this menu?

I realize that the more people that are there, it actually gets cheaper per person, even though that seems counter-intuitive.  But think about it for a second.  If you’re going to make all those different dishes, how much more would it cost to throw another potato in the mashed taters and get another person at the table?  You get to divide the cost by one extra!

But everything isn’t all that golden and happy, even though I hope your turkey will one!  Last year, in 2008, the price of the average Thanksgiving dinner went up a little over 6%... and that was just for the supplies.  With the state of the economy then (as well as now), that increase was likely to be felt a little more than anyone would really like.

But never fear, we are here together to try to stave off the awful food bill.  And think about all the extra benefits with saving on Thanksgiving… holiday shopping is just around the corner…

First of all, sometimes it doesn’t even matter what specifically is on the table.  After all, aren’t holidays like this mostly about enjoying being with friends and family?  (Cue awwws or groans).  But, if you’re really worried about what’s on the plate, here is a great place where you can get ingredient information and everything to create a meal for 8 under $80.

Also, there are many different ways to save money on Thanksgiving.  From using decorations from the back yard to scoring a free turkey… they’re all out there.  Just keep on reading all this week because that’s what we’re going to be exploring!

If you have a head for more numbers than anything else, you can use this site.  After you interpret what everything means (I had some issues with it), you can find the perfect cost for your Thanksgiving dinner.  I wish you luck.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

DIY Saturday: Crafts from Food

Can you remember back to pre-school or something like it, where all you had to do for any major holiday was glue some macaroni onto construction paper or string it on to some yarn?  Your parents would “oooh” and “aaah” and your project would be the talk off the town for at least the entire day?

Well, we can’t quite get away with something nearly as cool now, seeing as how we’re grown up now (insert sad face here)… but there is still hope.  We can make some crafts or gifts out of food, and that can still save us money in the long run.  Here’s the break down:
  • 1.    Bouquets.  Have you seen those commercials for the hundred dollar Edible Arrangements or candy bouquets?  You know… “perfect for any occasion” and the like?  Well, did you know you can make your own for a heck of a lot cheaper?  Here are easy to follow instructions to make cookie bouquets and candy bouquets.  I’ve even made chocolate bouquets before by melting down little medallions and putting them into molds.  It was soooooo easy.
  • 2.    Food.  You can make your own food and it can be considered crafty, I suppose.  I’m not talking about pulling a Rachel Ray and making some delicious meal to serve 4.  I’m talking about the raw ingredients.  How about making your own cheese?  Or beer?  Some people brew their own beer, you know.  Could be interesting…
  • 3.    Edible Crafts.  You know those cool classroom parties you used to have when parents would come in and bring treats?  Maybe you would play some themed games?  The cupcakes were decorated, there were candy cane reindeer, the brownie was shaped like a turkey, and the M and Ms were all red and pink?  How is that not crafty?  I totally say it counts.  If you add some glue or an interesting shape, it’s a craft.  It’s just very yummy to eat at the exact same time…
Anyway, I hope you all can enjoy your time this week, talking about grocery shopping and the different, easy ways to save some cash here and there.  If you come back tomorrow, you can get yourself a little introduction to the next theme, which has to do with the forgotten holiday…

Friday, November 6, 2009

Weekend Wind-Down: Coupon-Less Grocery Shopping

Happy Friday everyone!

I hope your week hasn’t been too long and ridiculous and that you are going to have some time for yourself coming up in the next couple days.  I will, unfortunately, be writing papers and storyboards, but I hope to find some extra time for relaxing.

Frog will, of course, keep dancing.  It’s what he does.  In fact, he kind of reminds me of the Warner Brother Frog – Michigan J. Frog.  In fact, here – let me know what you think.

Anyway, every Friday I sum up the 4 best blog posts and articles that deal with this week’s theme.  It’s called the Weekend Wind-Down and this is the Coupon-Less Grocery Shopping Edition!
  • 1.    Live Large, Spend Less – This woman is the head of a family of 6.  She made the switch to cash for her grocery shopping budget and this is what she calls a review.  But review, she means she gives you everything she’s bought that month, grocery wise, down to the .1 ounce.  She came in over $36 under budget.  Go ahead and check it out… you could probably do the same.
  • 2.    Frugal Dad – It’s recently come to my attention that some of my guy readers were thinking that I was focusing more on the women readership because I was putting up only “mommy blogs”… so this week, I’ve found the perfect alternative.  A daddy blog.  This is written by a man for men and it gives some great, simple, and almost effortless ways to save money on groceries.
  • 3.    Not Made of Money – This article is about the best ways to use the grocery store ads that come in the paper.  If you’re not going to really go online and find out about the sales, like it was stated earlier this week, and you are loyal to the paper, this is for you.  It gives ways to save time, effort, and energy when hunting through them.
  • 4.    Cooking with Amy – Amy was participating in the Hunger Challenge, which was to create 3 meals a day for under $4, which is the budget of someone on food stamps.  She learned a lot about saving money while grocery shopping through this experience and gives her tips in a quick, easy to read style.
PS – I know I’ve been a little video crazy this week.  YouTube was just calling me.  Leave a comment or email me and let me know if you like them.  If you do, I’ll try to include them more in the future!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

But What Does That Mean?!

When I was doing my research for this week’s theme, I found that saving money on grocery shopping is a hot topic.  There are millions of articles that I found just on Google.  The problem was that most of them all said the same thing… and none of those things were really the ones I use myself.

It was very interesting.  I started wading through all the different “How To” guides, trying to find something that was a little different, very helpful, and interesting, besides those ones that explained how to get the most out of a coupon.

You’re more than welcome to go hunt out some ideas of your own.  I mean, I’m not going to re-create the article that has 1001 different ways to save money on grocery shopping.  I don’t have time to write it and 10-to-1, you don’t have time to read something like that.

So here, I’m breaking down the all stars and letting you know exactly what wach tip means.

  • 1.    Look at the “per ounce” price.  Macaroni is a staple in my place.  But, I’ve found that sometimes the “family” sized boxes are actually more expensive per ounce than the normal box.  Why?  I have no idea.  But when it comes to 3.8 cents per ounce and 2.4 cents… I’m going for the lower.  It’s just comparing apples to apples.  Learn to read the labels and price tags.
  • 2.    Curb the Grumbling.  Yes.  It’s traditional, but it’s also like Derek Jeter in the All Star game.  An oldie, but goodie.  Eat before you go.  Everything looks good when you’re starving and those smells from the deli hit your nose..
  • 3.    Go Generic.  Store brands tend to be a lot cheaper than the name brands.  It’s a “duh” kind of thought, but I know I’m guilty of ignoring that because of packaging or whatever.  Just because they’re Whales instead of goldfish doesn’t mean that there’s a taste difference like the sizes of the two animals.  Try it.  You might like it. Note: There are 2 things I refuse to buy generic: Pop-Tarts and Swiss Cake Rolls.  The others are just not the same
  • 4.    Keep An Estimate.  Say something costs $1.82.  Keep in your head that it’s $2.  You have to do it anyway, because you don’t want to be too shocked when you get to the register.  That way, when you reach your total (because you’re obviously using cash), you’ll still come in under!  Another bonus is that you don’t have to keep track of all the extra cents.  It’s easier math.  One thing I would recommend, though, is that you always round up, even if something is $7.23, go up to $8.  $7.50 if you’re trying to stretch it as much as possible.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Blast From the Past

Remember back in the beginning days of Just Starting Out?  One of the firs things we talked about was organization.  Within that topic, the most important one was the make a list.  Lists can make everything better.

Go with your list and do not deviate from it.  Try it just once and you’ll see just how many impulse purchases you make when you’re shopping for food.  Everything just sounds so good!  At the same time, you’ll learn exactly what you want and need to buy, so the nest time, you won’t forget anything, either.

You’d be really surprised just how much you can save if you take the extra couple minutes to make a grocery list each time.  They’re infamous for a reason.  They work.

But… they can be sometimes hard to start.  I know it and I won’t deny it.  So, I’ve scoured the internet trying to find some easy resources for you to use.  Here they are:
The last one is there to show you the most popular meals that get made per month.  If you look at them and think about it a little bit, you might be able to make a “ready to go” list that doesn’t have to be rewritten every time you go to the store.

There are even ways to make your grocery shopping list one that can save money.  Do you need the Karo syrup?  Will something else work?

What are some other reasons a list can be very helpful?  Please, I want to hear them!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My Final Paper is Due in 35 Minutes!

Today, we’re breaking down two different ways that can save you boatloads of cash when out getting your double-stuffed Oreos.

Idea #1: Go When You’re In A Hurry.

Think about how you normally grocery shop.  Do you just go when you find out your pantry is empty and hit up the traditional things you need?  Do you have a recipe in your hand and grab the ingredients?  Or do you do what I’m guilty of doing and go up and down every aisle, grabbing what looks good at the time?

If you do, stop.  If you go in a hurry, or when you know you have somewhere you need to be that day, you are much less likely to wander around, pushing the cart, spending way too much time and money next to the Nabisco section.  Impulse purchases are not your friend when it comes to any kind of shopping.

Idea #2: Use Only Cash.

This is one of those great debates.  Should you use cash or your card when it comes to buying gas and groceries?  A card is lighter and can make you feel safer without carrying all that green around with you. 

The problem is that you cannot see the money leaving your possession at that point.  It’s just a number on a screen.  There is a psychological thing, at least for me, that hates it when my physical money is being handed over.  I look at the things in my cart, wondering if I needed that second tub of ice cream.

Also, another bonus is that you cannot spend over what you have in your wallet.  So if you set a grocery shopping budget, go to the ATM and take out only that amount.  You can’t go over… so most likely, you will stay a couple bucks under.  No surprises, and extra cash.

If you want to take this one step further, you can make an entirely cash-only budget.  Have you noticed the pattern that since more and more things have become easier to buy on the plastic, the average credit card debt has gone up?  On another random thought, I’ve even had some people seem very confused when I’ve offered cash instead of a card.  Some cashiers have had to think about inputting cash.  It’s definitely not the default any more.

PS – This is a How-To on saving money on groceries.  Check out numbers 2 and 3… look familiar?

Monday, November 2, 2009

The Secret Grocery Stores Don't Want You to Know

Yes.  There is a secret.  No, I’m not going to tell you just yet.

Let’s talk about grocery stores in general first.  How are they set up?  Well, they are set up to make you think of things you forgot/”remember”.  But, just like the stock market and any other business out there, trends in the industry can affect the way they are set up and their prices on different food items.

If you are really interested in the grocery industry and feel the need to do a lot more research, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has so many different resources for you online, it’s more than a little bit ridiculous.  If you want to know when the price of peas or barbecue sauce is going to be the cheapest, you can analyze that information and find out when.  But, I only recommend that for people who love to deal with numbers.

Well, after all that ado, we’ve finally come down to it.  The secret.  Are you ready?  Got a pen and a piece of paper or some form of Word document open?

Grocery stores are on a sale cycle.  That means that the same things will be on sale over and over again in the same order.  Yeah, this may seem kind of “whoop-dee-doo,” but there’s more!

The cycle is almost exactly 3 months long.  That means that when you see something is on sale, buy enough to last you 3 months!  For example, let’s say that you use a ton of ketchup at home.  When it goes on sale, buy in bulk.  That way, when you run out, voila!  It is on sale again.  Money saving without any clipping!

If you want to start your cycle now, you can check out the Grocery Store list to see what’s on sale at your store right now.  It doesn’t have all of them because there are a lot of local grocery stores that follow the same general idea.

Speaking of local grocery stores, there’s one more thing to keep in mind when it comes to this awesome tidbit of information.  Compare prices between the different grocery stores in your area.  They do not always follow the same sale cycle.  It’s very likely that Store A will have cheaper ketchup and Store B, but Store B has cheaper mustard.  If you’re willing to go to both, you could save some cash.

And yes, most of the time, the savings in food overshadows the loss in gas from driving from store to store.
This article is from a woman that gives some super easy and useful advice about shopping around for groceries.  She gives you some URLs and other ideas to make the comparison easier than actually putting on shoes, going outside, bending down to grab the paper, walking back in, opening it up, and shuffling through all that paper.  If you’re interested in this idea, I would start there.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Grocery Wars

So, traditionally, if you haven’t noticed yet, Sundays are used to introduce the week’s theme and tell you exactly why is it important.  Well, today is a Sunday… but it’s also just a little bit different.

I don’t have to tell you why this particular week is important.  You already know.  In fact, it might already be something that you’ve thought about before.  It’s something everyone needs in order to survive.  I’m talking about food.  And more particularly, I’m talking about grocery shopping.

See what I mean?  There is no need to really explain this to you.  You know what your bill is each time you shop.  In fact, your probably know your parents’ bills too.  It’s just the nature of the beast.

I hope this week will be a little different than all the of the “save on groceries” internet articles you’ve seen before.  We don’t use coupons here at Just Starting out… so the main arguments are completely gone.  I hope to show you something new.

So, in lieu of my big shocking post, complete with reasons for you to keep reading, I offer you this video, which made me laugh so hard, the first time I saw it that I was inspired to create this week’s post.

PS – The next 2 weeks will also have to do with food… only they will be completely different variations.  So when you read, make sure to have some fruit snacks or something beside you… you just might get hungry…