Saturday, October 31, 2009

DIY Saturday: Old T-Shirts

 Happy Halloween!!!!!

Welcome to Do-It-Yourself Saturday!  This is the day where I take some craft idea, which can be used as gifts or various other different ways.  The point is to save you money in some ways that you may not have though of.  In fact, most of the posts on Saturdays are made from recycled materials or something that is leftover from around the house.

Anyway, if you’re anything like me, you have just over a million T-Shirts lying around the house from different high school clubs or random T-Shirt souvenirs that you would never wear in a million years.  Maybe you even have a favorite T-Shirt that you’ve outgrown.  Why not make them into something new, just like the books from last week?

I’ve made a bag, not unlike the one in this picture.  I couldn’t find mine, so there is no picture of it, sorry.  My mom is also in the process of making me a quilt out of my old high school t-shirts.

Just like the denim post, T-Shirts are really just fabric.  There are hundreds of different ways to make something new.  This site has 100 of them… almost all with pictures, if you’re a very visual person.

Make a throw pillow.  Make yarn out of old shirts to make something even more modified.  Make a chair cover.  There are tons of different things.

Here is what you need to make something out of an old t-shirt.  Scissors.

And you’re done.  You can of course, make something cooler by adding needle and thread, pins, tape, puff paint….

And guys, this is really for you.  This is even easier than the denim magnets that some of you guys showed interest in.  They don’t have to be girly, even though some of these Saturdays probably really seem like I am focusing on my female readership.

What old shirts do you have?  The Kiss concert?  Football?  A million sports shirts from high school?  Anything?  Do you even wear them after they get all the holes and stains in them?  But, you want to keep them, I’m sure.  Make something new with them…

Or you can do what my boyfriend does and bribe someone to do it for you.

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