Thursday, October 22, 2009

Why You Should Find Your Old NSYNC CD

Ever heard this song?
"Thank god it's Friday night, and I ju, ju, ju, ju, JUST Got PaiD
(getting money money money money money)
blah, blah, blah,
Check the mirror, looking fly
Round up the posse jump in my ride.
blah, blah, blah
You never thought you have me plaid(paid)
Check is in the mail I got it made (made)
blah, blah, blah
Just got Paid, Friday Night
Party Hopping, Feelin' right
Booties Shaking all around, pump that jam, while I'm getting downm
I'm getting down (down yeah)
Ah, I'm Broke!”
Obviously, I shortened the lyrics with the many “blah blahs” but the point is still there.  You may not know it, but Justin, Lance, Joey, JC, and Chris just taught you a really good lesson.

Entertainment is expensive.  Yep.  It is.

Please don’t be mad at me, but I had a really, really hard time finding some ideas to save money on entertainment while traveling.  I tried really hard, I promise.

What I did find will hopefully be second best.  It’s ways to save all the time and not just on a trip or vacation.  There are lots of inexpensive things to do all the time.  The problem is thinking of them at the exact moment you’re bored.  What about free museums, parks, or a made-up scavenger hunt?  Here are 20 more ways to get some free or really, really cheap entertainment.

Also, I’m currently working on a website to archive some more ideas.  Entertainment is one of the topics.  So in the next couple weeks, I should have a smorgasbord of new concepts or even specifics.  I’d be more than willing to post on them again or get a link going to my website, if you guys show to be interested!

Thinking about entertainment, even on a vacation, one thing came to mind – eating.  Eating out can completely drain the wallet.  Here are some ideas (and more) on how to save there.  I might have to do some further research and make a whole theme dedicated to food…

As I was writing, I thought about it some more… so here are some ideas for finding inexpensive or free things to do on vacation: 
  • 1.    Google it.  Seriously, in doing so, I’ve found free things to do in New York City and Las Vegas, two of the most expensive cities.  And they are actually desirable.
  • 2.    Don’t always follow the advice of the hotel people.  Some hotels have partnerships with attractions in town.  Could be free advertising on both sides at your expense.

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