Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Paper, Papier, Papel, Carta!

Ok, I have some apologizing to do.  I'm really sorry that yesterday's post was way late.  Life (and my job) got in the way and it completely slipped my mind... It is midterm week, after all.  Anyway, thanks to one of my readers who contacted me to ask why I hadn't posted.  Bonus points for you!

Alright, so we’ve actually come down to it.  I can’t pretend that I understand this phenomenon recently with scrapbooking… to me it’s just a lot of frue-frue highlighting a single picture.  I would much rather have an entire album of pictures of my loved ones instead of one picture on a 12 by 12 page, with all these 3D button and cutouts and stamps and stickers and all that other junk.

But this blog is not about me.  It’s about everyone else.  And let me tell you… scrapbooking is a huge deal AND it is a huge money eater… which makes it a huge problem.  This is where my unmatched Googling skill and I come into play.  I’m here to help, just like last week, when I wore my Superman cape.

In doing research, I have found that a single page in a scrapbook can cost anywhere between $5 and $20 for a “decent-looking” page.  For a minimal book, the total can be over $100.  And there are like 6 pictures in that whole thing.  This site here does a really good job of breaking down just how much some scrapbooks can cost.

After I found this, I went straight to Michael’s because I could not believe it.  But, right there in the scrapbook aisle, there was a single piece of paper (not double-sided) that was $4.99.  On sale.  I flipped.

I cannot see how paper can cost so much money!  However, in a nod to some of my good friends who love scrapbooking and seem to make at least 1 a month, enough with my ranting.  Here is how to save.

First, try to use what you already have.  Remember that random button you found on the floor the other day?  Use it.  That construction paper left over from your poster project?  It’ll still work.  The ribbon from the flowerpot your boyfriend got you?  Bingo.

There are a million and a half good ideas that you can use to scrapbook… how about drawing them out in pencil first, before you cut all that ribbon and decide you don’t really like it.  Writers, cartoonists, and artists call it a storyboard.

Get organized!  Can you imagine all the stuff you could find if you networked with other scrapbookers?  There are just over a crapload of websites out there just dedicated to this hobby.  Good gracious, are there a lot.  Talk to them!  Find some more ideas… you may even get some inspiration!

Just keep a constant eye out for materials.  If you’re in the hardware store and there’s this really cool shaped piece a scrap?  It’s free.  I see no reason not to use it…

Anyway, I completely apologize for most of my post today.  There aren’t a super lot of ideas listed.  However, that is because you really can just use your common sense.  You’re a smart person, or you wouldn’t be reading this!  Just quell the desire to buy 12 reams of the sparkly green and orange paper… but if you really want some more, very specific ideas, go here.

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