Sunday, October 4, 2009

Bears, Monkeys, and Dead Cheerleaders

Last year, I went to both a Halloween parade and a party.  The parade was for the kids – my goddaughter and her sister, the two adorable little girls in the picture – and the party was for me and my adult friends.  I spent $40 on my costume and with my boyfriend, we threw something together for him at the last minute so we would match.

Let me tell ya… his costume was much more popular than mine.  And we spent no money on it.  He was a tourist and he wore shorts, socks and sandals, a bucket hat, and a fanny pack.

I spent about the average cost of a costume.  Granted, there are many costumes that are much more expensive and some that are cheaper… but the bottom line is that the average person spends over $64 a year on Halloween in all its forms.  That’s for a single person.  Imagine a family.  Imagine if you throw a party.  What if you weren’t as lucky as I was and can’t find a costume for under $100?  Not everyone has good sewing skills.

Halloween, between candy, costumes, decorations, and food, is between a 5 and 6 BILLION dollar industry, and for retailers, is second only to Christmas.  More candy is sold during this holiday than at Valentine’s Day and there are more parties than on New Year’s.  And no one seems to know…

The thing about this particular holiday is that the prices keep rising – and that doesn’t even count the booze (if and only if you’re old enough, please).  Unlike Christmas, where most people set a budget, Halloween is the one holiday that people seem to forget about the money they are spending.

My roommate is completely obsessed with this holiday.  She has spent countless dollars buying decorations.  Some of them, unfortunately, are good for only one time, because they get destroyed.  I wish I would have thought of this blog earlier – it might have helped her a little more…

Think about it.  Imagine it.  You’re standing in Target or WalMart looking at all the different costumes.  You just pick up a mask.  Then you go back the next time and pick something else out.  Perhaps you even change your mind halfway through and have to buy all new things.

Or better yet, you hear and see all the commercials for the Halloween stores.  Think about it – there are entire stores who make enough money for an entire year in the month or two before Halloween.  How much money is blown in every visit there?

But never fear, I am sitting here in my Superman Cape, researching and coming up with new ways to save money on this holiday.  They are possible.  There are thousands of websites based only on Halloween and I have looked at so many, my eyes have crossed.

This week, I’ve got tons of ideas for you.  I’ve searched costumes, candy, food, decorations, and entertainment.  So please come back every day and welcome Fall with me!

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