Monday, October 19, 2009

Chugga Chugga Boo-Hoo

So the general idea for most people to save money on a vacation or any sort of travel is to drive that compact car across 12 states… because that sounds like loads of fun.  However, as most everyone knows, gas prices are pretty much way too high.  Some people have gone over on their budgets for gas since last year.  Plan ahead.

Even for everyday driving, there was a survey done that explained just how much people spend on gas a month.  33% of the respondents said between $101 and $200.  And actually, a little under 10% said “Over $400.”  Very ouch.

Anyway, all that I’m saying is that there is definitely a need for this post.  Read on.  Guaranteed savings.

Idea #1 – Drive Less
And now you’re rolling your eyes and saying, “duh.”  But hear me out.  Do you really have to drive all the way to the front parking spaces in the lot?  Just park in the first spot you find and walk the rest of the way.  An added Bonus: Fitness Magazine says, “If you park farther away, you get in more steps during the day” 

There are a million and a half different ways to drive just a smidgen less.  Google it.

Idea #2 – Drive Smarter
Yeah, I know it doesn’t really seem feasible to tell you to completely change your driving habits… but there are some itty bitty, teeny tiny things you can do (which you may not even notice the difference) to really pump up your mpg.

For example, make sure to take off your lead shoes before stepping into the car – every 5 mph over 60 you drive, it eats up gas so much faster.  Closing windows on a highway increases aerodynamics and reduces drag (for you to go faster with less gas, Speed Racer).  On the flip side, if your air conditioning is on full blast for the entire trip, that will eat gas, too.  Moderation is really the key to everything.  Just, please be smart.

If you want some more ideas on teensy driving habit changes, here are some of those and a dozen more ideas to save on gas.

Idea #3 – Find Good Prices
Here’s a secret: gas prices at the stations right off the interstate are ALWAYS going to be higher than those a few blocks down.  I was driving back from a ball game a little while ago and had to get gas.  I literally went to the station across the street – for 5 cents a gallon savings.

Gas is traditionally cheaper on Wednesday.  I have no idea why.  It just is.  But don’t blame me if this doesn’t ring true this week… this study was done over a long period of time and may not work every single week.

Idea #4 – Take Care of the Car
Keeping your car happy and healthy is a great way to save.  When the tires are at their proper pressure and all the filters are in excellent order, there are savings just waiting to happen.  The problem is that it requires overhead… like a mechanic’s fees in some cases.

PS – Here is a fuel cost calculator for those long trips… but make sure to add driving around town to the total cost.  This could be especially helpful if you’re giving travel costs with some more people, like on a road trip.

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