Friday, October 23, 2009

Weekend Wind-Down: Travel

It’s finally Friday!  Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for sticking with me for this entire week!

It’s been a long one, let me tell you; but we’ve made it.  But here we go with this week’s Weekend Wind-Down: Travel Edition.  These are all the articles and blog posts that I found to be the most helpful for this week’s theme.  So go ahead, click on them and see what can happen!
  • 1.    College Gas: no, I don’t mean that kind.  Gasoline.  This is an article based entirely on saving gas money for college students.  It’s broken down into the most important parts, and the ones that are the easiest to do.  It’s not always the most plausible to do DIY Saturday: Car Repair.
  • 2.    Dollarish: This is a blog post (complete with pictures) written by one of you – someone just starting out.  He stayed in a hostel while on a trip and he is explaining the differences between the two.  He’s very honest and upbeat (as well as having a pretty good sense of humor).  When you click on that link, you’re getting the insider’s edition, as opposed to a publicist’s.
  • 3.    One Travel: This is an entire site dedicated to finding places to travel that will be a lot cheaper than others.  I purposefully did not choose one post because there are so many that give good ideas.  While this is not a site that gives tips on saving, it could be the opportunity to spark inspiration for a trip that wouldn’t have to cost so much to start off with.
  • 4.    Kiplinger: these easy to read tips are brought to you by the same people that brought the slide show on Monday’s post.  They’re all short, sweet, and right to the point.  There’s no extra reading, really, on this site.  Also, there are lots of different images that make it pretty fun to read!
Well, those are the top 4 for this week… but don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten.  There have been a couple readers who has suggested names for your good friend, the dancing frog, who shows up every Friday.  Comment on this post, email me, or find some way to contact me… because his name is totally up to you.

Next week, the results will be up…
  • 1.    Frog
  • 2.    Fredrickson
  • 3.    Bob
  • 4.    Twinkle Toes the Dancing Frog

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