Friday, October 2, 2009

Weekend Wind-Down: Hidden Fees

It’s finally Friday!  Congratulations on making it through another week!  I hope you are able to relax a lot more this weekend.

Today is the Hidden Fees version of the Weekend Wind-Down… and I am not happy.  I’ve probably spent way too much time hunting down articles and blog posts on this subject than any of the other themes.  I have found 4 for you to look at, but I really need your help.

Do you know of any good blogs or sites that deal with these issues?  Please tell me.  I need to know.

Well since you cannot tell me before I post the ones I have actually found, here they are:
  • 1. Finance Ideas: I had really high hopes for this blog.  An entire blog about our theme!  But… when the author says advice, to me at least, it just seemed like common sense.  There was nothing new.  I hoped maybe you would find it more helpful than I did…
  • 2. Letter Lover: This blogger normally is lighthearted, but she is very serious in this post about ATM fees.  It reads a little like a rant, which is not my favorite thing in the world, but she gives some really good ideas for people that have the option to switch to another bank because of those types of fees.  Check it out.  You might learn something.
  • 3. Consumer Reports:  This was by far the best article I found this week.  It does not directly relate to hidden fees and scams, but it is very valid to the conversation.  Have you ever been in a place where “Free WiFi” is available?  This article lists some of the problems and viruses that can come with that claim.  Be very careful because viruses can be a hidden cost later on, long after you’ve left the hot spot.
  • 4. Bob Bly: Bob Bly writes copy.  Pretty much that means he writes for marketing purposes.  “But that’s not all, if you buy in the next 20 minutes” type stuff.  Well, this blog post talks about the use of the word “Free” in the subject line of an email.  There are very interesting results…
I hope you all enjoyed the adventures of M— Man because I can tell you that he’s feeling a lot better now that many of his problems have been solved.  The Flying Dollar has officially been grounded and its pilot’s license revoked.  Thank you for your help in solving this mysterious dilemma.

PS – I’m also sorry that this week was so serious.  I promise next week will be more entertaining (and still very helpful)!

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