Thursday, October 8, 2009

Has Anyone Ever Actually Bobbed For Apples?

I’ve been to a good number of Halloween parties in my day.  Each one was definitely different and had a separate focus.  I’ve been to one (which was annual, so really 3) where the family spent hundreds of dollars each year on decorations.  I’ve been to others where the only thing they had besides chips and salsa was a bonfire.  I’ve been to the kid parties where there are games and lots of spooky things, like dry ice Kool-Aid.

Let me tell you a secret.  That one party, with the games, was the only time I have ever been bobbing for apples and let me tell you, I will never, ever do it again.  I stuck my head near the bucket.  The apples would sink and come back and sink again.  I tried to aim for the stem and catch it between my teeth.  I felt like I was going to drown.  I eventually got that darn Red Delicious, but let me tell you… I was cold, cranky, and wet the entire rest of the party.

Hence, this particular post.  Bobbing for apples is the not only game or form of entertainment that exists, people!  Let’s try to think of other ideas.  Maybe some of those will even be cheaper than buying a bushel of apples.  Here’s to hoping.

  • 1.    Theme Party = Themes have become very popular recently, from weddings to birthday parties to company picnics.  Why not try one for your party, say like, Harry Potter!  Think about the endless possibilities.  You don’t have to do the ghouls and goblins… but you may have to bribe someone to dress as Voldy, Voldy, Voldemort.
  • 2.    Tricks, no Treats = Come up with as many legal Halloween pranks as you can.  Is anyone willing to try them out?  If you don’t want to go that route, check our this site, which has a bunch of hilarious tricks to play on your own guests.
  • 3.    Movie-a-thon = Halloween is a holiday.  Halloween is a movie series.  Coincidence?  I think not.  One of the ways I personally like to celebrate Halloween is to watch either really, really bad horror movies, like The Creature from the Black Lagoon, or really good ones, like Friday the 13th.  I’m willing to bet that many of your friends have these movies.  Have them come over and fire up the DVD player.
  • 4.    Parties During the Day = What do you need to wrap a mummy?  TP.  We’ve already gone over how to save money on that!  How many random dance games or freeze-tag ish things can you find that only require music?  Don’t want to spend money on music?  Let me tell you a secret… YouTube.  Check out this website for tons of game ideas that cost next to no money.  These are also great if you’re having kids over for the party.
  • 5.    Parties at Night = When it comes to having adult parties at night, there really is no need for more entertainment than the usual Saturday night.  Heck, you find something to do during those nights, I’m sure.  However, if you’re looking for just that little bit of themed games that don’t deal with ping pong balls and plastic cups, check out this website.  They have lots of games listed and all of the supplies are cheap and easy to find.  Why not have a film festival?  No, not like the movie-a-thon… but make your own.
Join me in boycotting bobbing for apples.  Use some of those fun ideas!

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