Saturday, October 3, 2009

DIY Saturday: Record Bowls

Happy Weekend Everyone!

This week for DIY Saturday, in honor of M— Man’s love for all things plastic (credit cards, green houses, and red hotels), I attempted to create something from plastic.  Well, vinyl records, but it still counts.

I found this idea online when I was searching for some unique gift ideas for Christmas.  I know it is way early, but in my financial situation, I have to start looking so I can find the best deals.  I liked the concept, but some of them cost more than $28 a piece!

So I went hunting.  I went to a local library rummage sale and they had vinyl LPs there for $.10 a piece!  I splurged and bought a dollar’s worth.  Last weekend, I went over to my mom’s house and we did some bonding and record melting.

Here’s how to do it:
  • 1.    Place the record on the top of an inverted oven-safe pot
  • 2.    Put it in the oven (preferably with a viewing window) @ 200 degrees for 2-6 minutes.  It will vary from oven to oven, as well as from record to record, since they are different thicknesses.
  • 3.    Once it is melted, kind of like this picture, take it out of the oven and flip the record into another bowl.  It doesn’t really matter what shape… experiment to find the one you like

  • 4.    It will take about a minute for the record to harden back, so move fast.  You can mold the sides to any shape you want.  It won’t be too hot to touch.
You’ve now got a bowl made from an LP!  My mom and I pumped out 10 in less than an hour.  Once the oven gets pre-heated, you can just keep going.

Here are some uses for them in these shapes:
  • Fruit Bowl
  • Outbox
  • Place to put keys
  • Flowerpot (It already has a drainage hole!)
  • Random Decoration
  • Paint It
  • Nail it on the wall for cheap, retro décor
  • Or give it as a gift
If you like this idea, here are some other versions of directions.  One had step by step pictures and the other does not.  Notice that neither of them have consistent oven temperatures.  It really depends on the appliance.

These were really a blast to make, so I went back and bought some more records from a Goodwill store and they were $.37 a piece.  I have 15 gifts to give at Christmas now for less than $3.  Total.

Other Gift Ideas to Make with old vinyl:
  • 1.    Clock
  • 2.    Headband (also requires melting and cutting)
  • 3.    Jewelry, like earring and wrist cuffs
  • 4.    Bookends


  1. Wheeee! I love record bowls. I have a couple at my house that I made a few years ago. If you can (and vintage vinyl is a great resource for this), get some colored vinyl. I have a bright pink and bright red bowl and they're so cool :)

  2. Thanks! I've been looking for more records that have really interesting art, but different colors would be even better!
