Saturday, October 17, 2009

DIY Saturday: Book Purses

When I first found this idea, my mom reacted like this.  “I would have NEVER though you would have even considered something like this.”

Here’s the thing.  I am a complete bibliophile.  I love the written word.  I respect it.  I’m one of those people that freaks out when you break the binding of a paperback.  In my mind, books are to be respected.  And with this craft, I’m more than willing to completely demolish one.

Needless to say (but I’m going to say it anyway), she was confused.

But… here’s what I have to say.  Some books should never have been written.  For some people, it’s Twilight.  For others, Rawl’s Theory of Justice.  In any case, there is no reason in the world that the books should not be created into something new and wonderful.

Also, there are many books out there that are just not getting any love.  I’m talking about that old 1985 Encyclopedia set that’s been sitting in the basement of your parents’ house since 1990 because they went out of date.  Should they be refurbished into something new and exciting that’s going to be USED?  Or should they just sit there, decaying in the cardboard box?

The whole point of this is that there are tons of new things that can be made from old hardback books!  Go check out yard sales, library sales, or used bookstores.  You could probably find some really cheap – look back at Monday’s post if you need more ideas for your supplies!

Here are some really cool things that can be made from old books: bookends, book safes, storage, shelf, side table, wrist cuffs, clocks, and the focus of this DIY Saturday… book purses!

Here are the best instructions I’ve found so far to make one.  I haven’t done it for myself yet because I have negative sewing skills and need help, but I’ve found some great books with beautiful colors and designs that will be really pretty when they’re done!

But here are the basics:
  • 1.    find your book and matching/coordinating materials
  • 2.    cut out the pages of the book, leaving the hollow cover
  • 3.    cut card stock to fit the spine and cover
  • 4.    cover the card stock with the fabric and glue them into place
  • 5.    Add handles and voila!
There are tons more ideas if you’re interested in these type of crafts!  Go check them out, but make sure you come back this coming week for ways to save on one of the most popular forms of leisure for college students…

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