Thursday, October 29, 2009

Handy Fold-Out Maps Included!

Alright, let’s take stock of what we’ve covered so far this week: online shopping, fitting rooms, and bargains.  But those are sometimes different aspects of shopping that do not always come into play.  Let’s talk about stores in general.

There are specific layouts for them.  Did you know that?  People make their entire livings based on designing the layouts for retail stores in order to get people to buy more things.  There are many, many research studies that deal with this.  There are hundreds of different websites that explain the importance of layout.  I cannot even fathom the number of hours put into projects like these.  It’s kind of ridiculous how much work people will go through to try to get you to spend just $5 more…

Anyway, as promised, here is your handy fold-out map to navigate your way through stores.  We’ll start with basics and work into more specifics.
  • Entrance: There will always be something there to catch your eye – most likely something that would have to do with the season.  Right now, it’s actually moving into Christmas paraphernalia, as sad as that is.  This gets you in the buying mood right off the bat.
  • Pathways: They always follow some specific traffic pattern.  When you go into WalMart, do you always follow the same path?  Most people do.  And an interesting observation is that the first path that is followed is the biggest one.  Then you feel like you can move to the smaller aisles.
  • New Items: Always on the endcaps.  Think about the new releases, whether it’s a movie, music, or video game.  They’re always facing those larger aisles.  Why?  Because then, even if you’re not heading to that particular part of the store, you can still grab it to buy.  It makes it easier – just like online shopping.
  • Clearance and Sales: Always hidden in the back corner of the store.  That way, even if you just go in for a sale item, you have to walk by all the different normal items… think about all that temptation.
Here are some different ways to navigate through stores.  Grocery stores are designed to make you remember that, “oh, yes, the recipe calls for this!”  Video stores just want to spark your interest.  Watch this video on Whole Foods.  See if the layout of the store works for you!

Keep this handy map in mind the next time you go shopping.  See if what I’ve observed holds true.  Do you feel any more inclination to buy?  Do you feel like you’re cheating the system?

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