Monday, October 26, 2009

They're Built For A Reason!

They’re the stuff of legend.  Teenage legend, creepy exhibitionist legend, Orange Julius legend, mom legend, department store legend, cartoonists legend, shoplifter legend, mall cop legend, internet forum legend…

And yet… they are not used enough.  Is this because it seems to open to the rest of the store?  Is this because people think it’s too much work?  Is it because it’s easier to get your significant other to give in that way?  Are we too lazy?

But at the same time… there are companies out there who specialize in just this type of thing.  Their entire existence is based purely on creating these areas for the customers and other mall walkers.  If they can make enough money from just this specialization, those products really have to be used, right?

I’m talking, of course, about fitting rooms!

They are the most under-utilized money saving measure out there!  I have the perfect example, which will probably be repeated a couple times throughout this week, mainly because she is perfect for the theme.  My mom (I love you!).  She hates fitting rooms with a passion because she says she doesn’t like how the clothes look on her when she tries them on there.

At the point, I hope many of you are thinking the same thing I normally do – “Because they’re going to look differently on you when you try them on at home, right?”

Because I value my life, I never really say that.  However, that is exactly what she does.  She’ll buy all the clothes (many of the same things in different sizes) and just take them home to try on.  Then she gets distracted.  And the clothes sit in the bag for a couple weeks.  When she finally does try them on, most of them have to go back, even though it has passed the return date, so she only gets store credit… which she then repeats to process.

I don’t know how may times I’ve gone to hang out with her and she’s said, “I bought these the other week and haven’t tried them on.  I know over half of them will have to go back anyway.”

AGH!  It drives me nuts.  I try to find all the different ways to get her to try things on in the store.  She’s having none of it – mostly because she wants to buy something.  I don’t exactly know what the attraction is (in most stores), but it’s there for her.

So, whether or not you’ve thought of it before… I beg you.  Please use the dressing rooms.  They are built for a reason.  Give yourself a little mini-fashion show.  And be honest about what you see.  If it looks awful, I sincerely doubt a little softer lighting will make a huge difference in the long run.

Do what this girl does – she goes to try on the clothes and takes pictures of herself on her phone.  You can save those to look at later.  Granted, you don’t have to blog about it, but it is a way to save.  I mean, would you buy a wedding dress without trying it on to see how it looked first?

And, lazy people, think about it – the return rack is right outside the door for the things you don’t end up buying.  How convenient is that?  Also, there are just over a dozen fitting rooms in the typical department store.  I’m more than positive that you won’t have to walk too far to get to one.

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