Thursday, October 1, 2009

Avada Kadavra: Words that Kill

Welcome back to the final episode of M— Man’s adventures with the flying dollar.  Today’s episode consists of a cameo by one of your favorite angsty teens.

“Great Goblins’ Noses, M— Man!  What on earth are you doing?  Lumos!  What you’re doing is close to one of the Unforgivable Curses!”

M— Man paused and looked up at the boy.  “Gracious, Harry Potter!  I am doing no such thing.  I learned all about those in Defense against the Dark Arts.  I know better.  I’m just surfing the internet.”

“Yes, I can see that.  However, my spidey senses, along with the Marauder’s Map, showed to me that you are looking up possible free offers!  Do you know how dangerous they are?”

“No, no, Harry.  I got over 154,000,000 hits on Google when I looked for them.  I’m smarter than to look at all of them.  Some might be scams.  But I’ve lost a lot of money recently.  I need to save.”

“But how many of those offers are actually free?  Do you know how they get their money?”

“They want me to continue with their service after the trial is over, of course.”

“Not always.  Some have membership fees, like lots of the survey websites.  There are tons of places out there that say they can make you money by taking them!  But do you know what they do?”


“They take credit card numbers first!  That’s a very Muggle thing to do.  Or worse.  Death-Eaters.  Plus, like NetFlix, even before the trial is over, you have to cancel!  If you wait even until the last day, they charge you for the month.”

“No, they don’t.”

“Yes, they do.  You should check out Survey Police, ScamWatch, and Ministry of Magic warnings before you try any of those.  Those sites are businesses, after all.”

“How do you know all this, Harry?”

“Snape told me.”

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