Friday, October 9, 2009

Weekend Wind-Down: Halloween

After a very long week dealing with everything that is spooky about Halloween, we have finally reached the end of the week!  I hope some of the ideas that have come up this week will help in the next couple before we hit a Halloween that is finally on a Saturday!  That’s right, everyone!  You don’t have to worry about getting up in the morning!

But before you go off and get too crazy, check out some of these websites I found that were really great for Halloween.  There are hundreds of blogs and websites out there based completely on this holiday.  I couldn’t wade through all of these, but I’ve found quite a few that are very interesting and the most helpful.
These particular sites are really great in my opinion.  They might even help you throw that party you want, or come up with a fantastic costume idea if you’re going to one.  If you agree or disagree, just let me know!  I want to find sites in the future that are actually what you want to read!

  • 1.    Candy Alternatives – Candy is obviously the most popular item to give away to those cute kiddies on Halloween… but what if you really don’t want to support the sugar rush?  If you’re too conservative and give something like apples and granola bars, trust me when I say those trick or treaters do not want them.  They might not come back next year.  This link is a fantastic website that gives some very inexpensive alternatives to giving candy.  Check it out.
  • 2.    Haunted Houses – If you’re one of those people that really go crazy with decorations and want to create one of your own haunted houses, this website has some great ideas and lots of pictures.  However, I caution you.  This site is not about saving money when it comes to those decorations.  Use this for some awesome ideas… but please be creative in their actual implementation.
  • 3.    Dirty Dancing – In honor of Mr. Patrick Swayze, who died last month, I can guarantee that there are going to be a lot of couples dressing up as Baby and Johnny Castle from Dirty Dancing.  This blog post has some ideas for making these costumes on the cheap and having them actually be recognizable.  RIP Patrick, you are a legend.  And Happy Halloween.
  • 4.    Pre-Gaming – Yes, I know this term is normally used for a completely different purpose.  But no.  This is not about that.  This is a link to many different free online games that deal with a Halloween theme.  It’s to help you get into the mood for this holiday.  Have a good time!
Check out those sites!  They really are fantastic!  Anyway, I hope you all have a fantastic, relaxing weekend and that you have found some awesome ideas for this Halloween!  Come back tomorrow for some DIY Costumes.

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