Monday, October 12, 2009

Belle's Got Nothing on Me (and Other Secrets from the Stacks)

So, to start off this week… I’ve decided to turn the spotlight on me.  I have a problem.  I really, really do.  I absolutely love to read.  Which is fine, except, I love even more to buy and collect books.  This has been my complete downfall.  I have books as a line item in my budget.

I just counted and there are 54 unread books sitting in this room where I am sitting.  There are 2 others in the living room.  Please don’t shun me.  The first step to solving a problem is to admit that you have one.  And I do.  I have a huge problem.

I really was scared to do the math… but since most of my problem comes from the fact that I spend a lot of money on books, I did the math.  We’re talking over $200 a year on the written word… that does not count textbooks.  Considering the average cost of a paperback is $15.64… Ouch.  Very ouch.

So, in the hopes to find out that I am not the only freak on the planet, I did some hunting.  It turns out there are tons of people out there that spend a lot of money on books – some in the thousands per year.  I felt a little better.  But the overall consensus, for both pleasure and for things like classroom libraries for the teachers out there, is that they spend
“way more than we should.”

What does that even mean?

Anyway, there are ways to save on books, which is a plus and a minus.  The plus is that I won’t spend as much on a single text.  The minus is I will probably spend the same overall and just buy more books.  I told you I have a problem.

If you’re into modern technology, think about something like the Kindle or even an iPod Touch.  They have books to be downloaded for a lot cheaper and sometimes even free.  I’ve read quite a few classics online – like the Wizard of Oz and The Time Machine.

Think Amazon.  Have you ever done a comparison at how much cheaper it is than bookstores?  It’s astounding.

Venture off and find some thrift stores or used book stores.  There are some that sell for half off the cover price.  Many independent book stores will now offer “recycled books.”  If you don’t want to keep the book once you’re done reading, go donate it to them for some more store credit.  They’ll even sell the recycled books for a lower price.  Sounds like a deal to me (and you’re not killing any extra trees in the process).

Finally, I’ll tell you my secret.

Books Sales.  Nope, it does not sounds like a big secret, but let me tell you.  When you find one that charges in between 10 cents and a quarter for books – some of which publishes less than three months before, some textbooks, and some kids’ books – then it becomes a big deal.  Here’s the scoop: Book Sale Finder.  It’s the best website ever… if you have a problem like me.

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