Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Isla Fisher and M-- Man are Twins!

After their last conversation, the Banker left M— Man in the lurch.  She left before he could figure out the next hidden fee that caused the magical Flying Dollar.  Luckily, M—Man had been reading a book series.

The series is called Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella.  The main character, Becky Bloomwood, is being plagued with debt.  She has overdrawn her accounts and used the ATMs way to many times.  M—Man and his trusty dog, Dollar, read them together.  Then they saw the movie with Isla Fisher.

They decided that it was time to take matters into their own hands (or paws, as the case may be), just like Ms. Fisher.  They did the research and found out that every time they withdrew from an ATM that was not from their bank, they were charged a fee.  That fee is sometimes over $3 per transaction.

They also found out that when they took more money out of their checking account than they had, they were charged a fee.  They felt it didn’t make sense because if they didn’t have enough money for their transaction, how was the bank going to get their extra money?

They didn’t want anything to do any bouncing, except for the owner of Mediterranean Place, since he refused to sell or trade for a “Get Out of Jail Free” card and had just bought a pogo stick.

They watched the news and started to plan ahead.  They balanced they checkbooks once a week and monitored their transactions online.  When they needed to get cash from an ATM, they took out larger amounts, so they wouldn’t have to do it too often.

Eventually, because of Dollar’s connections, they even checked out the Federal Reserve and got some advice.   Within a couple months, they were rolling in savings.  M— Man started to plot against the Banker.  Even though he was now keeping more of his money, he was starting to worry that she had been the cause of all the Flying Dollars.

But a bank is a business after all.  They have to make money.  Some do it by overdraft and ATM fees.  Others give out more loans at higher interest rates.  M— Man held no hard feelings.  He learned.

But now he just wished he could turn back time.  He wished he had magic.  Come back tomorrow to see if his magical Time Turner appears…

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