Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Legend of the Flying Dollar

Once upon a time, in a land so similar to our own that the resemblance is more than a little bit scary, there lived a small man with a mustache.  This man had once been affluent, wearing a black top hat, black suit, and monocle.  In fact, he had not been known by his own name and had a nickname, M— Man.

Now this man, he had once owned so many monochromatic hotels of the crimson variety, as well as four separate railroads, that he had over a dozen of every colored bill imaginable.  Everything was going fantastic on the streets that connect Boardwalk and Park Place, where his office was.  Until one day…

He was looking out his rather large window, shaped like a battleship, when he say something out of the ordinary.  Past the thimble shaped streetlamps, up in the sky, near the wispy clouds in the shape on an old leather boot, an object was fluttering.

Now, M— Man was very familiar with this particular shape.  It was paper thin and extraordinarily flexible.  In order to try to get a closer, he stepped out of his iron shaped door and grabbed his extra silver top hat, because it always made him see a little better.

He stood outside, next to his dog, Dollar (name stolen from Richie Rich), and his cannon, which he used as a planter for petunias in his front yard.  The object started getting larger and larger, as if falling from the sky.  Racing to his garage, where his nice convertible was sitting, he grabbed his wheelbarrow.

His goal was to catch the falling object.  He did.  That was when all the problems started.  The object that seemed to get larger and larger was really smaller than the size of a notebook page.  It was a dollar.  A goldenrod colored bill.  Needless to say, M— Man completely panicked.

Then he looked up and saw thousands of bills falling from the sky.  He screamed like a little school girl and ran to his Community Chest, which was really not for the community at all, and saw that it was wide open and it was empty.

At this point, he had a nervous breakdown.  All his money that he had worked so hard for was gone.  He had not even seen it fly away.  He had thought his money had been safe.  He hadn’t bought anything that new or expensive.

The community laughed at him, and he lost all his affluence as they smirked, “That’s what he gets for playing with Chance.”

So today, M— Man is no longer so nervous and he is trying to form a plan.  He wants to know where his money sneaked off to. 

Stay tuned this week to find out how M— Man solves this horrendous problem.

1 comment:

  1. Odd, so the flying bills were from hidden fees? This doesn't seem clear tome...
