Saturday, September 26, 2009

DIY Saturday: Denim

Have any of you seen the recent commercials on TV for denim jeans?  It’s a complete photo montage of people like James Dean with a voice-over saying how they would never be caught dead in pleated khakis?  Well, that is the attitude of Americans when it comes to jeans!

Everyone has them!  I mean, I have at least 6 pair.  The thing is, I wear them so often that they get worn out to the point that I cannot even donate them to the Salvation Army or Goodwill.  But, I hate throwing them out.  Here are some great ideas I’ve found to re-purpose them.
  • Hobo Bag: I made this out of my favorite pair of jeans when I was in 7th grade.  They had rivets down the sides and handle.  Plus, there were built in pockets for cell phones, pens, and all the other trappings women keep in their bags.  Actually, if you wanted to make a purse just out of the back pocket, that could work, too!
  • Accessories: Window Valance, Rug, Plastic bag/toilet paper holder, Placemats, pot holders, etc

  • Organizer:  This is a simple idea.  Wrap old soup cans in denim.  You can layer them or keep them attached.  Make it however you need it.  Everyone has different needs.
  • Magnets: These are my personal favorites.  Take the old pockets, decorate them, glue a magnet on the back, and voila!  A personalized magnet that can go anywhere for anything.  They fit your style in any way you want.

  • Hot Packs: Fill a pocket or a square denim bean bag with rice.  Microwave the rice until it is warm.  It’s like a heating pad, only much, much cheaper.  They’re also reusable as hand warmers in the winter or for the aches and pains at the end of the week.
  • Bedding: If you or anyone you know (that is possibly bribe-able) can sew, why not try to make a denim quilt?  Know any teenage girls?  Sounds like a perfect present to me.  If you don’t have enough old denim for a quilt, why not just make a simple pillow?  Denim really is just a fabric after all.

All these crafts can be as simple or as complicated as you want them to be.  Seriously.  Yeah, boys can do it too, without feeling odd about it.  All it takes is scissors for some.  Scissors and glue for others.  Sewing only if you are really ambitious.

The pictures I’ve used are not my personal creations, but they can be found on this Recycling Crafts website, which also will give you step by step instructions!

1 comment:

  1. I know boys can do this too... but crafting is really not my thing, well that and I only own about 3 pairs of jeans that ever get worn...
