Friday, September 18, 2009

Weekend Wind-Down: Organization

Welcome to the first edition of the Weekend Wind-Down!  Every Friday, in order to welcome the weekend into our lives, I am going to post the top blog posts or articles that I read that week on the theme.  I promised to do all the internet and newspaper surfing for you, so this is where you hold me to it!

Friday is, for most in this country,
a day with mixed emotion.
The morning moves too slowly for comfort.
The weekend just a notion.

The afternoon "becomes" quite soon
and you feel the thrill of home time.
Until that Saturday morning feeling
you're free to waste your own time.
     -- Kendo Monkey

So without any ado, here are the top blogs and articles for the week of 9/14 - 9/18, all of them dealing with organization!

  1. Organising Queen: Marcia is a new mother whose passion is about organizing.  She posts about every other day with a new idea on how to organize for the business or home (she also has a free ezine, if you're interested).  This entry is about organizing the refrigerator.  I chose this one because it is my personal downfall - I can never figure out a way to set up the fridge so I know what's in there...
  2. Neat and Simple Living: Ariane is really good at what she does.  She has an entire blog dedicated to helping those she calls "hoarders."  I personally have always just said "pack rat" but hers seems little more polite ;-)
  3. Get Organized Tips: Carmen has a new idea every couple days on how to get organized.  I purposefully did not choose a single post for this Weekend Wind-Down because she has a 2-part post about organizing the junk drawer, which seems to be my overarching motif and metaphor for organization!

Tomorrow, I am going to start another weekly special!  It's Do-It-Yourself Saturday!  Come back to find some easy crafts made from recycled materials or items you can find for next to nothing.  These can be given as gifts for birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, or just to yourself for being to thrifty!

If I get more initiative (or just more confidence in my crafting abilities), I'll even put up some photos of my own process in making them!  However, if you want easy crafts right now, with how-tos and advice, check out my friend Kaylen's blog.  She is also a college student, so she has to work within her budget, so don't be afraid of really expensive supplies!

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