Monday, September 28, 2009

That Was Due When?!

M— Man met with the Banker and they decided to make a list of some ways that dollars could start flying away from home.  One of the major problems seemed to be that there was a lack of organization for bills.  The maid cannot pay the bills or return the DVDs if she could not find them or didn’t know when they were due.

Late fees were eating him alive.  Money was flying away to those other businesses for reasons that could only be chalked up to laziness or forgetfulness.  Here is the list that the Banker and M— Man came up with.
  • Utilities (Mostly 10% of payment)
  • ****Libraries ($.10 per day per book)
  • Returned Check ($25, plus fee added to purchase)
  • Mortgage (5%)
  • Rent (4% or daily fee up to $25/day)

The banker paused at the end of that list and started to explain what the pretty stars meant.  She did not want her client to feel affection for them.  She started to explain that after a certain amount of time, those places would just charge the whole cost of the book/DVD/game.  The costs will most likely not be credited if the object is returned, either.

At this point, seeing the list made M— Man cry.  These were all places that money was disappearing.  And the Banker was no help.  She was too busy trying to find the other die that had rolled under the couch.  She was hoping for doubles.

This is what I would recommend to M— Man if I had been his banker:
  • 1. Buy or Make a Personal Secretary.  This amazing invention is so simple, I’m embarrassed I never thought of it before.  It has 31 slots in the top, one for each day of the month.  When you get a bill in the mail, place it in the slot for the day it’s due.  Keep it in a place where you will see it.  That way, when you sit down to pay bills (which is a better idea than just paying them whenever), you know which ones need to be paid when.

  • 2. Use an Outbox.  Place a box/basket/some form of storage vessel near the front door, or wherever you normally leave the house/apartment.  When you’re done watching your movie or reading the library book, put it in the basket.  That way, when you leave, you will see it and can grab it on the way out.  It’s an easy way to remember to return them!

Will the Banker ever find the second die?  Will M— Man stop crying and fix his problem?  Is the problem of the Legend of the Flying Dollar finally over?  Come back tomorrow and find out!

PS – I also use the Door Outbox to put things like an empty toilet paper roll so that I can remember to buy that, too!

1 comment:

  1. toilet paper rolls? that just seems awkward...

    Interesting Idea, I think I could actually make one of those "personal Secretaries" though.
