Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Have You Seen This Drawer?!?

 Do you know someone who has drawers like these?  Better yet, do you have drawers like these?  There is no way in the world that this is a way to save money.  How many times have you had to buy something twice because you lost the first one?  I have.  It's was a very expensive purchase, too - I had lost my iPod (which I later found buried in a drawer like this).
Being organized is one of the most under-used tips when it comes to saving money.  It just doesn't seem like something that could be helpful... Oh, but it is.

"The secret of all victory lies in the organization of the non-obvious." 

         -- Marcus Aurelius, Roman emperor CE 121 - 180

Behind the scenes of every thrifty or shopping savvy person, there is a secret weapon.  The weapon that even famous Roman Emperors knew.  It is not experience and it is not a stash of coupons.  It is organization.

Before I started my weekly theme (which will be announced on Sunday!), I wanted to say a couple quick words about organization.  With every victory, whether it be a garden or a business, there is some way to make sure that everything gets done and it gets done right.  It's also one of the keys to saving money in the long run.

Imagine all the last minute purchases that would be eliminated if you had a list.  How much time would be saved if you didn't have to hunt for your textbook every time you had to read?  How many overdraft fees could you have avoided if your checkbook was balanced?  Organization has so many benefits, it are impossible to list all.

Ok, ok, I understand the need for it, but where do I start?

For college students, your biggest problem is living in a small space.  Dorms or teeny and sometimes apartments in your budget are not much larger. You need to figure out your priorities.  What needs to be on hand at all times?  What can be stored away safely?  LifeOrganizers is a really good website to start on for ideas.  Tomorrow, I'm going to post my Top Ten Organizing Ideas.

For teachers, your life is always dynamic.  You won't need the same supplies every day.  Your students are never in the same mood and they may even change from hour to hour.  Plus, with all those papers, paperwork, homework, and lessons to work on, staying organized is a must... especially if you want to have a life outside the classroom.  Here are some general classroom organizing tips and some very specific ideas from veteran teachers.

Think you are already organized?  Take this QUIZ to find out!

1 comment:

  1. I'm a college student living on my own so I'm paying for EVERYTHING; my car, cell phone, insurance, rent, electric- you name it, I pay it. I'll definitely be back to get some tips!
